6x6 coverage.


Hey guys,

I am still ahving trouble trying to find the best way to light my nee flower room im building.

I have 4 flood trays, each is 3x3, and csnt figure out how many lights I need snd where to position them.

some people have said go with 4 lights 600 watts each but how many lights would I need if I went 1000 watts?


Well-Known Member
At least 3x1000's but even then I think you're gonna get way better coverage using 4x600's each with their own hoods based on other peoples experiences on roi


Well-Known Member
Dual 1000 vert and grow trees with a dtw setup, if ur gonna do it then do it right. Thats what id do.


I want to run 4 sog trays, maybe im better off running four trays 4x4 with a 1000 watt each.

I do have heaps of ròom

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
your coverage area depends on the footprint your hood. some cover less, some more. a vertizontal really covers a large area.