600w sylvania light help?


Active Member
ok, iv just been given a 600w sylvania hps light, a mate picked it up off one of his mates and lent it to me, the problem is i cant see where the earth, live and neutral? can anyone help by looking at the pics? i would have thought i woulda needed a ballast but my friend said he seen the other up and running without one? could it be a self ballasted light? take a look at the pics and help me out please? :D



Active Member
red is hot, the ground is the one with the lead on it, and the other is neutral
ok thanks, where on the light fixture would they go?does it matter where the earth/ground is connected to because the piece of metal on the bottom of the fixture isnt connected to where the live is touching,would this matter or does any metal ground it? also if i got the brown and blue the wrong way round would this blow the light? p.s watis hot? that live or neutral? cheers! :)