600w HPS too big? Help asap please!


Well-Known Member
Hello All,

i am currently building a 3 unit grow with 3- 34"x15"x72" storage cabinets and planning to house two plants in two of them (one veg, one flow). My obvious problem is cooling/lighting in such a tight space. Originally i was wanting to run a 400w MH in one cab for veg, and a 600w HPS in the other for flowering (planning to swap to a 400w MH the last couple weeks). More and more I roll this over the more and more problems I see with this setup, but space is tight and stealth is always important, mainly top priority. My options would be: 4 bulb Cooltube's for Veg (not really fond of using them for flowering due to penetration value, though each cab will have two F14T5 bulbs on each side to help as much as possible), CFL's (preferring low watts to conserve the lumens/watt ratio), or a smaller HPS/MH setup.

My cooling equipment (in possession) are:
-Hydrofarm 6" Inline Fan (400 CFM)
-2 6" Inline Duct BOOSTERS (209 CFM) emphasis on boosters
-2 Aerocool computer fans (90 CFM, 50 CFM idle)
-Other computer fan, brand unknown (80 CFM)

I plan to invest in at least two thermostatic speed controllers for outtake fans (CAP or Grozone), and currently have a Sentinel UTC-1 (kind've got conned into thinking it was more than what it is).

On a side note: Would I be able to simply attach outlet extensions on these controllers to control both the intake and outtake fans on one controller to keep them in sync?

With these cooling options, what lighting would be possible for my space? Obviously i want the most light I can get. Also would it be possible to attach a DIY 3-5 gallon bucket carbon filter onto the Hydrofarm and still render any of this possible? If so, what light could I pull off with that.

Note: There are 3 storage units, One- bottom half mothers, top for clones. Was planning to use one comp fan for each area and use passive intake.

Any and all input from novice to experienced botanists would be greatly appreciated, the sooner the better since i will be placing an order at the shop friday, but I will be appreciative of a reply at all. Thank you.

Disclaimer: Any posts and/or images I post on this forum is strictly hypothetical and may be misleading due to content, I do not partake in illegal activities but simply love Horticulture.


Active Member
In regards to the amount of light your choices will provide, I think you will be quite happy. We are talking about a 3x2 box, so 400w might be plenty for flower, however if you can manage the heat, 600w would definitely not hurt.

The cooling fans you have available might be enough, it is definitely more CFM/watt than I run, however I use normal rooms, I don't have specific box experience.

For the cooling fans is connect all to your timer for 12/12, or however you have them for veg. And thermostatically control 1. The only reason to thermostatically control more than 1 is if you have fears of running too cold. The way I personally would set up the thermostat controller would be to a seperate exhaust fan only. Have fans cool the lights whenever they are on, and have a seperate exhaust that kicks on when temps get too high. I personally have never needed intake fans, I've always set up passive for intake. I've also never used boosters, for the money it was always worth upgrading to a bigger fan as needed, however if you have them it couldn't hurt to use them. Run them inline wherever they fit to aid in cooling/air replacement. Everyone has different temp issues, so you might have to mix things around to dial them in correctly. I would just use these choices as a starting point.

T5s should be good for your Mother/clones, and the PC fans should be plenty to cool those boxes.

If smell is a concern, then carbon filtering is definitely the way to go. I've priced out the DIY carbon filter options and for this size grow it might be around the same price to buy one. Theres plenty of generic brands out there. I've tried the cheaper ones, and while they are noticably lower quality contruction, they seem to work just fine.

Actually here is where I would start with what you have.

Flower box with passive intake ducted to veg box. veg box exhausted with 6" hydrofarm fan. I would put the carbon filter inside the veg if possible before the fan. I assume you will have more free space in the veg box for a filter.

Because you have limited room, there are other options for the filtering. You could blow air through the carbon filter outside the box with the fan, however I feel like setups like this put strain on your fans. This is another option to make sure all the air leaving the boxes is filtered however.

A third option to free up space in your grow boxes is add a third box. The filter and fan would go into this third box sucking air from the veg and flower, and filter the air before blowing it out. If room for filters in your boxes is a problem, this is the option I would go with. Could be any type of sealed container big enough to hold your filter.

A fourth option, though even less efficient. Just set up your filter with a fan recirculating in the room where you are growing. The benefit is it takes up less space in your grow boxes, however you have to make sure you have a filter big enough to clean that room.

With any option add temp controllers, and boosters as needed to correct heat problems. I would start with the speed controller on the 1 exhaust to start and go from there.


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much for the input Rage, I did not even consider connecting both cabs to a center vent fan, I have the perfect little wooden box for the fan and filter and will be constructing that as soon as I decide on a filter. BTW- no of any dirt cheap carbon filter options that will work for this setup? Found one on Amazon with an inline fan for $129, but don't know if its worth shit.

The third option you gave seems to be the most ideal for my current setup. I went out to the local hydrostore and invested in a light setup including: a 400w dial a watt lumatek ballast, a 400w MH bulb (7200k- I was quite stoked to see that), a 400w HPS, ordered a Sunleaves Viper 6 hood (eta this coming thursday or friday), and a Grozone multimode controller (had to have something with idle speeds, shipping in with the hood).

Once this first grow goes through and I have a better grasp on what my temps and light control is like I will be returning to the store to invest in the second light setup, sticking with 400, or may be kicking it to 6 pending on results.

As for worries about the area becoming too cold. Ironically enough that has been a question in the back of my mind since it will be located in a room I block the vents on to conserve fuel. What would I do to control the grow room from becoming too cold? Ive been completely stumped on this for a minute.

Again thank you for the insite and it was very helpful, and please excuse the delay of reply.

Disclaimer: Any posts and/or images I post on this forum are strictly hypothetical and may be misleading due to content, I do not partake in illegal activities but simply love the Horticultural science of legal plants.
for a space that small try 250 or a 400 and panda film from top to bottom with the exhaust about 8 to 12 below the light to help with heat
or if you want no heat
panda film and t15 grow ligts about 2 inchs from the plants
thats one month under my t15 drow lights in my veg room


Well-Known Member
What's special about the panda film Bullet? contains heat?

I will have the intake for the air cooled hood about 3/4's up the left side of the cab and the exhaust is venting through the ceiling on the right (powered by a 209 cfm LED Wholesales duct BOOSTER, still questioning if it will be enough), passive intake on the bottom left about a 1/4 way up, and the exhaust for both cabs about 1/2 way up on the right side (hooked up to a 400 cfm Hydrofarm fan and carbon filter rigged to the grozone controller, still deciding on what filter to invest in).

Sufficient setup?

Think 400w MH/HPS in a Viper 6 Air cooled hood will be pushing it Bullet?? and whats the T15's your running? you're running soil whereas im DWC, but for only one month those results are blowing mine outta the water.

disclaimer: Any posts and/or images I post to this forum are strictly hypothetical and may be misleading due to content, do not partake in illegal activities but simply love the horticulture of legal plants.