600w and 400w grow

so well iv got a 6x6 foot grow tent . Running a 600 and 400 but only occupying 3x6 of tent as can’t really get full coverage of having the lights in the middle of the tent so I have crammed all 16 plants in the back half of tent with 600 on one side and 400 on the other, sorta like 3x3 foot for 600w and 3x3 for the 400w. Am I better leaving it like that or spreading the plants out to fill the whole 6x6 with the lights right in the middle of tent . Keep in mind that the border of tent won’t get the intensity of light of the plants growing directly below them. I have lollipopped them 2nd week in flower and trimmed a few leafs to get better lighting throughout lower branches. Have topped them when in veg . Was vegged for 5weeks and has been flowering for 3weeks. Should I spread them out or leave them crammed directly under both lights

