60 days seed to bud?


Active Member
60 day wonder has been turning into more of a 120 day wonder does anyone else have expeirience with this strain?


Well-Known Member
its impossible for a strain to be ready from seed to flower in 60 days. you sure its not only 60 days in flower?


Well-Known Member
what strain you re talking about ? autoflowers can do that....

Edit: my mistake, i can see that strain is 60 days wonder...sorry, I havent expreince grow this kind of strain.

Happy growing , Peace.


Well-Known Member
are they by a window? if not, you rele do need more light dude. also, you have a good few weeks left yet, id say a good 4 before harvest


Active Member
hahahahah..... I'm so sure you have a 1000 watt

that plant is sickly dude. You suck at growing if you have it under a 1000 watt at 2 months old they should be 40 inches tall at least and much bushier... those nugs are like m & ms

good luck smoking your one joint of weed in a month....

by the way I'm rude because ur rude.


Active Member
hahahahah..... I'm so sure you have a 1000 watt

that plant is sickly dude. You suck at growing if you have it under a 1000 watt at 2 months old they should be 40 inches tall at least and much bushier... those nugs are like m & ms

good luck smoking your one joint of weed in a month....

by the way I'm rude because ur rude.
But they are autos they only get about 2 ft tall... im not rude im just sarcastic. I actualy dont a a 1000 watt hps rotating light in my kitchen but itd be funny if i did. I got these in a room wit 3 other plants under a 600 hps and im using fox farm everything
... geesh i certainly hope i get more then a joint. Jackass much?