60 Days old Auto White Russian (with pics)


My auto white russian is now 60 days old, here are som pictures:

Photo on 2012-10-28 at 09.27.jpgPhoto on 2012-10-28 at 09.27 #2.jpgPhoto on 2012-10-28 at 09.27 #3.jpgPhoto on 2012-10-28 at 09.26.jpg

Since it is my first grow I am not sure when to harvest. I want a cerebral high, have looked at the trichs
and it is mostly cloudy, some clear but have seen no amber yet.


I am considering watering one last time tomorrow, then wait 3 days, turn lights of for 24hours and then chop. It will be approximately 64 days about then.


Scientia Cannabis
If there are no amber trichomes you shouldn't harvest yet, your plant has more to give.
Let your plant grow out fully, which includes getting 5%-10% amber trichomes.

Always go by what your plant tells you, not by a fixed growth period provided by some random seed man.

An energetic high / cerebral high is determine by phenotype not by the trichomes.

Sativa strains (and Sativa dominant hybrids): Cerebral energetic head high.
Indica strains (and Indica dominant hybrids): Couch-lock high / body high.

Hybrids can bring the best of both worlds.

The strain phenotype (wether it's a Sativa or and Indica) determines overall wether you get an energetic high or a couch lock high.
It's a common misunderstanding that amber trichomes produce a couch lock high, it's mainly because wrong information has been spread around and people keep perpetuating it, in the end everybody believes it's fact when in reality it isn't.
As already stated in the thread; amber trichomes contain degraded THC --> CBN.
CBN does not really produce a high, it does affect the high but not in a positive way.
CBN is pain relieving (as are most cannabinoids) but it does not reduce muscle tension/spasm.
Cannabinoids like CBD, CBG and CBC affect the high more than CBN does.

If you are looking for pain relief I would suggest you grow Indica strains and preferable ones with a decent % of CBD and CBC.
CBD is not only analgesic (pain relieving) it also reduces muscle spasm and it's a muscle relaxant (a very relevant cannabinoid for you).
CBC is also analgesic and it has a sedative effect as well.
THC however is also analgesic, therefore CBC should not be the end all of your search for a perfect strain.

If you need more info: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/516184-trichomes-harvesting.html