60 days in!!!


Well-Known Member
I added the 2 extra lights later in flower she's really been under just a 400w mh/hps. I vegged for a lil more then 70 days, really trying to push my growing skills got tired of low harvest hahaha. Thanks for the love RIU i'll be sure to post her clones in the morning.


Well-Known Member
IMG_1129.jpgIMG_1086.jpgIMG_1130.jpgIMG_1144.jpgIMG_1153.jpgIMG_1123.jpgthese pix were taken early into the grow i'll post some newer pix when the lights come on, the ladies are sleepin rite now hehe. These were not vegged no where near as long as the big bitch I got goin at the moment but there still lookin nice.


New Member
Looking good bro... For such a small set up, super clean, nice size and very uniform! Be proud of yourself thats a good little thing u got their!


Well-Known Member
just got my loupe in today the 30x21 alright? I plan on checking the trichomes shes approaching the 70 day mark..