60 Day Lemon, Cheese Auto, Pakistani ryder, Fruit, El alquimista 6ooW


Active Member
Beggining of week 3 did a flush things are taking off well... everything is going smooth so far... Lemon Strain id say is a weak strain, lost one seed in germination, and slow to take off compared to the others. Let me FYI i think the exhale co2 bags are just a ploy:weed:


Well-Known Member
Post some pics. I just started Fruit and El Aluimista was a freebie I got that I plan on doing next go around....


Well-Known Member
SEANEL and BigLittle

Do mean to highjack this thread, but I got an Alquimista working and thought I would post up some pics of its progression. I didn't start a journal on her as I was doing two others and didn't have the time. She is at Day 67, and about 3 weeks into flower. Hope this gives you both an idea of what to expect. Consider me subbed to this thread and I will be sure to post some harvest pics when she is all finished up, which I am assuming will be in about another 4+ weeks. Enjoy:

Aquimista Day 7.jpg Day 7 from Germ
Alquimista Day 14.jpg Day 14
Alquimista Day 21.jpg Day 21
Alquimista Day 40d.jpg Day 40
Alquimista Day 60.jpg Day 60


Well-Known Member
That should have started out with "Don't Mean To Highjack This Thread..." sorry about the misspelling.

Here are a bunch of pics from today, Day 67, roughly 3 weeks of 12/12. She is about 2.5 feet and is in a 3.5 gallon pot. Just started to throw out crystals a few days ago and she swells on the daily filling up thoose open spaces between nodes. Been feeding her Tiger and Big bloom every third and at about 1/2 dosage. Any questions, let me know!!

Alquimista Day 67.jpgAlquimista Day 67b.jpgAlquimista Day 67c.jpgAlquimista Day 67d.jpgAlquimista Day 67e.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice pics del93sol. I probably won't do Alquimista for a good while due to circumstances. I am doing 3 autos right now. G13 Blueberry, G13 Pineapple Express and Dinafem Fruit. Fruit and Blueberry have been pretty fast starters and the root explosion has been tremendous (I grow DWC Hydro). I hope to get a thread up soon. My next shot will probably be 2 more autos while starting some photos 40-45 days in. Probably will be Alquimista and an OG Kush I have.


Active Member
by all means thank you.. i didnt post pics for uhm some reasons... my strawman told me not to. i wanna do dwc next time around with at least two and two others to compare.. i have my alquimista vegging with my autos going 18/6 in soiless ...600w hps 4.5x4.5 closet exhausted with 6in 540cfm fan and filter no intake exhale bags {bogus} IMHO..Gonna veg two months clone the fuck out of her the last few weeks get em all nice and level Then back to flower... clones will go under cheap floro when i get around to buy/makin one. did the autos for a kik start while i get my mother going... I have bubba kush i might throw in i just hate the low yeilds with kush.. if anyone knows a quick turning kuch with a good/great yeild plese lemme kno.


Well-Known Member
HEy Seaneal...yeah, I topped it twice. I am definately kicking myself for not cloning her...she is becoming an extreme monster...almost three feet tall and atleast two feet of full to the brim buds. Each node has completely filled in and she is finishing up nicely, 3+ weeks left. I will definately get this bean again, should be a heavy yielder. I will post up some finishing pics of her next week maybe for you all to see. BIG, you will not be dissapointed with this lady, I promise you that...hopefully the smoke is as good as it looks so far!! :D


Active Member
hell yeah man im looking forward to it bud.. I havnt topped mine yet i should have but i wanna wait till it is large enough to make the top a clone to be topped lol... i heard the tops if you can get them to grow will yeild way better if you can get them to take.. So you give the Alquimista A thumbs up what about on a 1-10 scale im really curious about this strain it seems to be a great grower minus the mag problems.. Easy fix more MAG! lol just beautiful formation and growing structure awesome leaf pattern also.. i just cant wait to see what the bud look/smells/taste like... Keep me posted


Active Member
so ready for these things to take off lol.. its hard when you have to watch them everyday.. outside i dont even think about em for months at a time.. o shit i should go see if they are still there lol... 2-3 more weeks for the first one.. still taking pics and video so if you havnt seen my time lapse watch it.. if you have seen it watch it again and leave some feedback or rep+ lol... thnx


Active Member
yup i pulled mine early at first sign of ambering.. i need get up weed.. lol.. anyway looks amazing i will post pics of a nug when done drying... AMAZING WeIRD SMELL... Like A fermenting fruitbasket. 169 g wet so i know its at least an oz dry