60 cent 2-pack of light bulbs--- Q about them


Well-Known Member
I was at my local plumming and electrical supply store, they have/had a deal going where a 2 pack of 100W light bulbs costs you $0.60, I dont remember what kind they were, but they were called something that started w/ an F----

Any help? im assuming its just a normal bulb, but can normal bulbs be used to produce some good hefty bud?:joint::-?


Well-Known Member
Normal incandescent bulbs are the WORST bulbs you can use to grow with. Get a real light, MH or HPS. Fluorescent bulbs can be used, but when flowering the plant you will need a lot of them.


Well-Known Member
even though they are 30 cents each, think about the cost of having to wire them all. that adds up, and spending that much, just get an HPS or MH


Well-Known Member
In California we've got PG&E and some other power companies selling CFL bulbs super cheap. At the local ACE you can get 'em for about a buck apiece. They never have the color temperature listed, though, and I kind of need to know if I'm gonna use them for growing. Easier to deal with T-# fluoros for me, until I get my HID lighting.


Well-Known Member
well, Im going to use CFL's.. for veggie state, im going to use 4-5 13W=60W CFL's.... and then im going to jump up to a high CFL and get like 3-4, mind you im going to be growing a mother and MAYBE a few clones. i know i will need more lighting if i do clones, so i think im going to just plant a mama and nurture her.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, so, all you need to know, really, is their color temperature and lumens output so you know how to mix them and all that.


Well-Known Member
You're going to need to learn about color temperature (in Kelvin ratings usually, rather than what's called CRI--color rendering index, though that may be usable information) so that you can have the right type of light over the plants, depending on what phase of growth they're in. Along with this you'll need to understand how lumens and light output works so that you can give your babies the best, most efficient lighting to make them grow and bud, without overheating them. With CFLs you're going to need lots of lights, in large part because of light penetration issues.

Briefly, besides brightness (usually expressed as lumens), color temperature is a way for us to tell how closely the light quality (wavelength and/or spectra) match sunlight. During vegetative phase growth, you usually want a bluer light, as expressed in Kelvin this would be about 5,000K-6,500K (sunlight, at noon, is 5,500 Kelvin). During flowering you want to give them a warmer light, light with stronger peaks towards the red end of the spectrum to mimic fall sunlight conditions. This is expressed in Kelvin by a lower number.

The numbers I see thrown around for CFL lighting are 6,500K & 2,700K (just as applicable to high intensity discharge lighting), the former for veg the latter for flowering.

That was NOT in short, but I hope it was in brief. There's a whole section dedicated to CFL growing, ye needs reading in there. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah, i've heard that a total i need to use around 6500k. I think im going to go to the store i was at, look at wtf the bulbs were called, and look around for other lights.


Well-Known Member
half bulbs are 65ook the other half are 2500k or so. they dont total. each bulb wil ne 6500k u want for veg. luke at that then lumen. i think u eant like 3000 or so per square foot. get the big ones. cool white. are for veg. warm white are for flower. white for veg, red for flower. they make bigger ones ofr flower at my hoem deopt so dont be surprised. easy to order online tho. gl


Well-Known Member
Lumens and Kelvin ratings are NOT the same thing, at all. If that's what rollN is confusing, yeah, that needs to be cleared up. I don't know how many lumens per square foot you need minimum, but I know that the sun is 10,000 l/sq.ft., so I aim for something as close to that as humanly affordable.


Well-Known Member
how do you wire a lighting fixture?

half bulbs are 65ook the other half are 2500k or so. they dont total. each bulb wil ne 6500k u want for veg. luke at that then lumen. i think u eant like 3000 or so per square foot. get the big ones. cool white. are for veg. warm white are for flower. white for veg, red for flower. they make bigger ones ofr flower at my hoem deopt so dont be surprised. easy to order online tho. gl
just seen this post, i can't read it though...