6 weeks into flower


Active Member
You need to check the trichomes, If they are amber, Cut her. The longer you leave her the bigger the buds and the beter the bud to an extent. To me they look like they at least have 4 weeks left man. They are looking good! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
alright tanks for the input guys, those little nugs are rock hard, and im not in a rush i just dont want them to go too long and get screwed up that way is all thanks again


Well-Known Member
Looks great!
Tough to tell the maturity of the trichomes from your pics but like CFL said, thats what will tell you. They age from clear to cloudy to amber. Ideally you wanna chop when the crystals are predominantly cloudy with still some clear and some beginning to turn amber. The reason behind this is thc has the best balance of psychoactive (head high) and body high. Ive heard of some people chopping sativas early to push for a stronger head high but ive read that if harvested to early of to late the thc can degrade or something of the like