6 weeks into flower GREAT PICS


6x ak47
4x unkown indica

6 weeks veg, topped at early age, gown in canna, with canna nutes a, b riz canazyme and boost accelerator

2x 600w HPS 12/12

now 6 weeks into flower

comments / constructive critizisim welcomed


irish farmer

Active Member
6x ak47
4x unkown indica

6 weeks veg, topped at early age, gown in canna, with canna nutes a, b riz canazyme and boost accelerator

2x 600w HPS 12/12

now 6 weeks into flower

comments / constructive critizisim welcomed
Fantastic just cant critazise those beauties. I bet the local garden centre are looking for that sign back do.


Well-Known Member
Those are beautiful mate. Gives me a good feeling about going coco with my next batch. Hey I've got a question if you don't mind, How essential would you say the canazyme and boost accelerators are? Just wondering if I can get by the first month of veg with just the A + B, thanks.


Well-Known Member
yeah well hey thanks for the simple answer to the simple question. at least i got to kill your thread though eh?


east on. . i replyed last night but laptop died as i posted it, i am complete novice i know nothing about the nutes i just add them as the directions say and i have no problems, this is my 2nd grow, canazyme is so cheap so i dont know why you wouldnt give them it. 2 of my mates use a,b riz and canazyme NO boost accelerator and they DEFANATELY do not get the same results i do. i cannont fault cana, i brought everything from a shop had basic advice and just let them do there thing, cana is awesome my buds are better than i can get from anyone i know, i wish i still had my photos of last harvist,


Well-Known Member
east on. . i replyed last night but laptop died as i posted it, i am complete novice i know nothing about the nutes i just add them as the directions say and i have no problems, this is my 2nd grow, canazyme is so cheap so i dont know why you wouldnt give them it. 2 of my mates use a,b riz and canazyme NO boost accelerator and they DEFANATELY do not get the same results i do. i cannont fault cana, i brought everything from a shop had basic advice and just let them do there thing, cana is awesome my buds are better than i can get from anyone i know, i wish i still had my photos of last harvist,
Thanks dude I'll look into it. I've never used coco before and just dropped a buck fifty on amazon and didn't want to get too overboard with all the different nutes so i'll make sure to get the whole deal before I go into flowering. Probably even before that as I'm going to have to stop my grow for awhile because of the damn gnats. I gave you +rep, and if you missed it, sorry for the hastyness. Lol ran out of smoke supply so now I gotta grow my own :twisted:

tea tree

Well-Known Member
for gnats use mosquito dunks and pyrethrin spray. worked like a charm for me. I had them for months.

BTI is a manmade bacteria that kills gnat larvae. I made a soil drench and a top dress of mosquito dunks which are at lowes and 10 dollars and have BTI in them, Safe too, Horses can drink it.

Then I sprayed the soil with pyrethrin. Two days later no gnats anymore.

Sorry to hi jack. Those buds are awesome, this is the best proof of gving coco a try. Did you hand water? Water every day? Or a few times and let it run off.

nice buds.


Well-Known Member
Boost accelerator rocks,i was using hesi nutes but switched to canna for my last two grows,
using boost on the second didn't use it on the first one,and can see the difference already,
i use their rhizotonic formula too,and it really helps in root formation,my clones get much stronger when i start using it,
Cannazym is great too,and well priced compared to similar products!!!