6 weeks flowering, extreme yellowing, early harvest?

This is one plant that was grown under 2 23 watt CFL's and it's in week 6 of flowering. It's in a one gallon pot of FFOF and with 1/4 strength Tiger Bloom for 2 weeks... Upped it to 1/2 strength last feeding. Also giving coconut water mix periodically. . It's been getting real yellow and accidentally let it wilt a bit from underwater and now it's severely yellow and so are some of the sugar leaves. Is this just nutrient deficiency? because they went a long time for 1 gallon pots without nutes or very light nutes. There are still a lot of good looking pistils but im afraid the plant is dying with all the yellowing. Should it be harvested or is the plant still going to make it 2 or more weeks?


Well-Known Member
Might be root bound are there any roots sticking out the bottom drain holes? Are you sure you are letting the pot dry out enough between watering? I don't use coconut water with my plants, is this supposed to be your source of Ca, Mg, and trace elements? From what I see Tiger Bloom just supplies NPK
Its definately full of roots but I don't think it's super bound up. I am letting it dry out, it dried out until it wilted. It looked a little bit better before that. The coconut water is supposed to be a growth stimulant. Cytokins plus I thin there is some nutrients in it


Well-Known Member
Root bound, root rot, a problem using Calcium such a cold floor, pH imbalances, humidity. I am thinking a total break down in the basic chemistry. It would be nice to know how much of what is actually in your coconut water but honestly I am not experienced using it and I just don't trust it.


Well-Known Member
There are still a lot of good looking pistils but im afraid the plant is dying with all the yellowing. Should it be harvested or is the plant still going to make it 2 or more weeks?
Nah don't worry about the plant dying on you before it's done -- she'll hold through that week or two she still needs, no problems at all :)

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
"No problems at all" SHEE IT!

Ca/Mg and N def right along side too much P and that came too early!

The right part is it won't die quite yet but, you would have done far better by learning to keep the veg feeding going till week 3 of bloom. Then 50/50 veg bloom. Then the bloom feed to finish.

The other problem in my eye's, is that Tiger Bloom is too low in N - at any stage.. In bloom, I like my N around 3.5 and that's feeding every other day! I didn't jack the P till starting week 4. That's how I ran synthetic's


Well-Known Member
"No problems at all" SHEE IT!

Ca/Mg and N def right along side too much P and that came too early!

The right part is it won't die quite yet but, you would have done far better by learning to keep the veg feeding going till week 3 of bloom. Then 50/50 veg bloom. Then the bloom feed to finish.

The other problem in my eye's, is that Tiger Bloom is too low in N - at any stage.. In bloom, I like my N around 3.5 and that's feeding every other day! I didn't jack the P till starting week 4. That's how I ran synthetic's
But Doc, it's supposed to fade like that in the end, it's normal for the leaves to change color and drop, tis why the season is called the Fall. It's like all game of thrones, winter is coming gotta get the harvest in
Should I ditch the coconut water and up the tiger bloom to full strength?

Also, is that up close pic that I posted going to be good enough to see cloudy and amber trichomes?


Well-Known Member
Also, is that up close pic that I posted going to be good enough to see cloudy and amber trichomes?
Nope. you can't really see the state of the trichomes in that pic (or can YOU? ;) )
A magnifying glass or digital microscope gives you a more detailed view.

Should I ditch the coconut water and up the tiger bloom to full strength?
As for nutes. You can try messing with them, but it's probably not going to do much at this stage.
As RM3 put so very graphically, your plant is nearing end of life. That means her leaves were going to start dropping anyways, just that she started early (probably due to a problem with nutrition - for whatever reason - at an earlier stage of the grow).
This means you probably can't reverse the process anymore. But as I said, she will get through her last weeks of life as she is too.
Hope that clarifies.