5x5 tent set up

Hey all

I have an AC infinity 5x5 tent and I'm looking for a little inspiration/help on my set up. I am struggling with how to mount the filter/fan as well as where to route all the cables. I cut a piece of plywood to mount the fan to with rubber washers and that is how the body of the fan is supported. I took a few pictures of how i have things set up for now but looking for any advice or tips for people who have more experience. This will be my first indoor grow and I'm hoping it won't be a bust.



Don’t have mine tucked in the corner, also for myself was going to move mine more on the centreline. And the can would be a good foot off the wall , but again I’m using a six we’re you look to have an eight.
This way it sucks more from both sides from the middle area
Hanging light straps from each side.
Just a thought.
I would personally just move the filter a little from the wall forward to make sure it’s scrubbing air and not catching the tent , other than that it looks fine to me. As for the surge pertector I would get a new one rated for more joules, Walmart or Amazon. That one looks a little old, last thing you want is for it to trip mid flower because of a overload . I mean ive had good grows with shitty setups and bad grows with nice set ups, it’s all about the grow itself , what are going to grow, soil hydro? , how many plants , what nutes. Your first indoor grow I’m sure you have done plenty of research lol. Overall don’t over think it , enjoy it!

Hokie is that a Scorpion Diablo? New or have you been running grows with it?

I'm curious to about the light. pretty sure I saw that on Alibaba and it cought my eye.

side note to op. idk about your tent, but mine had a little triangle hanging from the top line outside, added an s hook and hung my surge protector there. I've also just tied it to the cord coming that's closes on the exhaust/intake. just don't recommend using wire to hang it like that.

Good looking grow, don't over think it it's easy to grow some pretty okay weed
I don't like that tent at all, the side ducting openings are way to low. But, even if they are that low, I would still put the CF/EF in the center of the tent and run the the exhaust out one of the side ducting openings, as you don't want crazy-ass bends in your exhaust ducting!
Hey all,

Sorry for the delay in replying, last week was crazy.

I ordered some Mephisto seeds so I'll be starting my first grow this week or next. I appreciate the input.

The reason I didn't have the fan over the middle of the tent to start was I was a little concerned about vertical space. It is an 8" inline fan/filter, should I be worried if it hangs above the light I'll run out of vertical room? Can't remember how tall the tent is, probably 7' though. I wasn't too worried about the bend in the exhaust as the fan/filter is way oversized from a CFM perspective.

Definitely updating the surge protector and plan to run the surge protector in the tent.

I was going to do 4 plants in 5 gallon pots. I know that's probably on the small side for a 5x5 tent but I was hoping to treat it like a 4x4 and have space for fan/humidifier (if needed) etc. Was likely going to use a mix of FF soil for the pots.

@Hobbes it is a diablo, haven't done any growing with it yet, but excited to see how things turn out.