5x5 800 watt mother tent


Active Member
Hello all. So I’ve grown 20 mother plants, 3 different strains in 3 gallon pots. I have them all in the tent and have been taking 70 clones from each strain every 2 weeks with no real issues. Here’s my question: obviously 20 3 gallons in a 5x5, to veg indefinitely, is probably way to many plants. They aren’t really growing out but up and have no room to bush out so I’m only getting 10-15 clones per plant. I’m thinking of thinning the herd to 12 plants total. Still to much? I’d like to get 20 clones per plant. Thank you in advance


This is just about how many clones can you do from the mother tent? By my math you take 70 clones x 3 strains = 210/2 weeks or 5.25 clones per mother. And, you are shooting for 12x20 =240?
I'd run 9-10 in that space and get them a bit bushier so you can take more clones per mother without affecting the plant as much. With 10 plants you can take 12 cuts a week (or 24 every other) to get to that. Unless you have to do them every 2 weeks, I'd take from them every week.
The bigger they get, the more cuts you will be able to take from them without hurting the mothers.
Just toss 10 of em, toss the other in 5-7gals and you're good.


Well-Known Member
When I ran a SoG I needed 200 clones every 20 days. I ran 5 big plants in a 5 x 5 area with 1000 watt HPS over them. Never had a problem getting enough cuttings.