5th week flower drooping leaves help


Hi i am sorry if this is in the wrong spot, if it is please move it.

Ok so im going into 5th week of flowering, have 2 plants in one hydro bucket works great, have a t5 4 bulb and 5 cfls everything is going awesome until last tonight when i opened my tent and one of the plants leaves is drooping really bad, the other still looks fabulous, didnt change anything, when i opened the tent it was a little later than usual humidity was 60, temp almost 80 degrees and thats what they have been at the hole time, there both using the same everything, anyway hope the pics help and thanks in advance, the healthy looking one is northern lights and the drooping sweetheart is sour diesel
if i cant save it, can i harvest this early or is it waisted



Well-Known Member
Hey sjm. You need to resize the pics properly. You have them at like 120x60 or something silly like that. Get them to 600x800 or vice versa. I will try and resize them if i can but you will get more help if people can actually see them.


bad pics but from the these i do not know wat the fuck is going on there in my 6 years of growing i have never ever seen drooping that bad sorry:wall:


it was 60 ph when i filled the bucket last, but what i dont get is why one looks like that and the other is still going strong, again there in the same bucket using the same water same light, its just strange, also will the buds be any good if i have to harvest the one plant early?