5300k cfl

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
is this an alright bulb for veg growth? i know it said a little bit higher is the best but will this be okay?


Active Member
i don't think so. that's pretty far away from 6500k. i mean, you could proabably use it, but it would be similar to vegging under 2700ks... very slow growth.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
well shit...i mean its closer to 6500...neway im gonna go look for some 65s tomorrow, i appreciate the help butter


Well-Known Member
Get Daylight there the right ones massive growth compared to soft white or the others... keep the 2700k for flowering or go full spectrum!! Its just my opinion check out my crappy grow you can def tell which are daylight i sware!!


Well-Known Member
2700 are soft white and cool white... daylight is 6700 thats all you need to know!!! im gonna add a link for you just give me a minute

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
alright thanks...the plant is in veg and it seems to be growing alright with those two even tho they are only 5300...one problem i have, i wanna buy more, but where do u guys get the set up where it is just the thing u screw the bulb in (sorry dont know name...) with the wires coming out of the back and then plugged in...i see people with just the bulbs screwed in and then just a wire coming outta that thing and they hang them...sorry for the lack of terms hope u understand...but i need some fixtures like that...


Well-Known Member
Its in the home and outdoor garden go to the light center and look at the bathroom vanity strips they have four slots to screw in and then you wire up a plug black and white with the copper for ground... i have one but i wanted the surge protector with the adapters so i can Y six bulbs on one strip... and its fire protected.. GL... and hope shes a bloomer!!


Active Member
Johnson, Wal-Mart has what you need.

The 6500K are GE brand in a blue package. It says 6500k really big on the labeling. They're about 2 for $7

The cheap-ass Great Value brand CFL's aren't labeled with 2700k but they most likely are. They flower things for me just fine. A box of 4 are like $7.

Use 23-26 watt bulbs (100w equivalent) and grab some Y-connectors which are pretty close to the light bulbs in the store. I personally skip over the 42 watters (150w equivalent) because they are about $9 a piece. Cheaper to just get a bunch of the smaller lights & Y-connectors.


Well-Known Member
walmart here only carries the soft whites and only in 23 watts... not sure why.. and yes to the y connectors with run 2 bucks at home depot or lowes.. walmart doesnt have those.. imo its better to have 2 42's and a couple 27 than a whole lot of small ones.. from experience they like the daylight 42's better for some reason at least with my girl she started blowing up nice when i added em... not much growth at all with 4 27... i keep it on 24 hours a day and water once every two days...mg with perlite no nutes at all yet... ill flush and plop her in some organic if shes a she... good luck anyway and trial and error... do what you can and get better as you go on... no worries were all noobs at some point its like learning to drive a car... you might hit shit at first but thats why you drive a cavalier instead of a mercedes...LOL

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
lol my first car was a mercedes...totaled it...neway those fucking Y connectors are illuding me...and i saw those 42's up at lowes but it didnt say the kelvin on them or if it was daylight, those mutherfuckers are HUGE lol i am def gonna try to get those...but yeah i just cant seem to find anything...fuck

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
^ well then maybe 5300 is alright, im sure the other would be better but these are doing okay for now at least...