50l soil drying too fast


Well-Known Member
I have trees in 50l pot in veg overgrown
I’m going to cut them down at the top a bit and add more soil I think

the soil is just root balls in fab pots there hungry as hell

I water 5litres a plant by the morning there bone fucking dry what can I do lol they want a constant tap
What is your plan with these plants? Have you considered cloning and starting over?

Alternatively, you could remove like half the above-ground growth and half the root ball, then replant in fresh soil in the same pots, and they would probably love it...
I hate big plants so that’s what I would do.

But you could also transplant into a large rubber made type 25 gallon tote or something. Big plastic container to try to finish a big girl.
I hate fabric pots for soil. Never seem to perform the same as a rigid planter until you get to the 25 gallon and over sizes
I wanna flip ‘‘em been waiting for my room build taking time
So I will repot ‘em n trim ‘‘em down a bit no point starting new with massive good plants

I will sit ‘em on a stick bed and fuck it
There huge what’s wrong with that eh I got the room now

put 5l in with no runoff yeah there wet
I wanna flip ‘‘em been waiting for my room build taking time
So I will repot ‘em n trim ‘‘em down a bit no point starting new with massive good plants

I will sit ‘em on a stick bed and fuck it
There huge what’s wrong with that eh I got the room now

put 5l in with no runoff yeah there wet
I put 4l to 5l in 5 gallon fabric pot and they drink the runnof in 1 or 2 hours thats saturated !

So if you have 12 gallon pot you should be able water at least 10litre . Then they might be able to go 1 more day
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Dude 5 liters a day?! Do you have the fans blowing on the soil? What about high temps and low humidity prob? Looking good nonetheless.
In the 7gal i use sphagnum compost with 2-3 inches straw mulch and i forget to water. Day 35 of the plant i water a liter once in 14 days! And thats with an extra gal of perlite in the mix ratio.