502................. REALLY ??????? does this work........... opinions please

OG Superfly

so I toured a 502 up here the other day and man I either learned alot or I learned they are really stupid.....
here is what I saw and I wondered if hey were that smart or stupid or were doing it like in the "picture"

1. the lights were way up above the plants like 6 feet above.
2. in one room they told me the stuff was 2 weeks away from harvest and they were removing all the leave except the ones on the buds and they said it made them put on a bunch of wieght right at the end because it kicked some hormone into action which is a 911 to the plant and to get to work making some big fucking buds, the guy said it made them grow another third again ............im skeptical............
3. small plants in small pots, vegged them to about 2 feet tall, topped them about every 3 to 5 days and then when they were about 3 feet tall turned them back and when they were about 3 weeks in the butcher the shit out of them taking the bottom half of branches, alot of leaves off and then hit them hard with nutes and they said they were getting 8 ounces a plant that when finished was 4 feet tall with a bunch of top buds and nothing else so trimming is easy and its all big buds.

i would love everyones opinions on this method


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Commercial production at it's best, or worst. Depends on how you look at it.

Remember this. They are running for yield and "bag appeal". The end quality could be much better in many cases.
The plants run by a daily sched. When harvest day comes - They get harvested, ready or not! Must keep the sched rotation!

If they get a "problem" - insect or biological. The whole schmeer can be lost. In Canada, The corporate (Prairie) farms got caught for passing on contaminated Meds for the medical market. They could not loose all the harvest from problems like I mentioned and still make needed transfers. So, the managing officials of the farms attempted to pass enough through to cover contracts...They got caught and the pro pvt growing group had a field day complaining about exactly what they worried about when pvt growing was taken away and given to pvt investors backing a single company to grow meds for the whole country (in their case).

So Canadians, what happened with that case?


Well-Known Member
I know a guy from houston working on one in La, they are throwing massive cash into an op and they dont know shit.Lights 8 ft above the miserable plants and enough wasted space to play some NBA game.
It's crazy.I will not go back because nothing sinks in.
Island Boys.