5 weeks in , and then bam


Active Member
I would say im an experienced grower , but i am having a problem and cant figure it out . My plants are a indica and during flowering my plants start burning on the tips of the leafs and slight burning in the buds , not major but not what i want . I dont change the feeding sched and i would guess that im not using to much nutes cause new plants take off .
I also have like one or 2 plants die every harvest (6 weeks) . Those just shrivel up and die after the third week . I would appreciate any advice


Active Member
how often do you replace your rez? Also what is the PPM and nute type your using?
i dont really chang my rez because i add 3 gallons every other day . and ppm i dont know . i use slightly less then the suggested feeding schedule . but why would it effect plants positively at the beging of the flowering stage and burn them at the end?


Well-Known Member
you should change the rez every 2 weeks, hows the roots? maybe its toxic salt build up, but one thing is for sure, most issues occur in the root zone, if they shrivled up they arent taking up nutes


Active Member
OK you really don't need to change your res. every two weeks. Many people suggest this and I think the one good thing it does is gets all that hydroton dust out of the res. You problem sounds like either too much nutrients OR your plants are too close to the light and are getting burned. I've never heard of nutrient burn burning buds though... only leaves...


Well-Known Member
OK you really don't need to change your res. every two weeks. Many people suggest this and I think the one good thing it does is gets all that hydroton dust out of the res. You problem sounds like either too much nutrients OR your plants are too close to the light and are getting burned. I've never heard of nutrient burn burning buds though... only leaves...
changing the rez also helps get rid of any dead root crap and gives the opportunity to clean any algae or other growth from the sides.


Well-Known Member
change the rez every 10 days is what i would suggest, i like cleanliness, not to be cheap on saving nutes or anyth8ing...take care of your plants and they will take care of you, also another reason for the rez change so often is, in my case i use GH flora and i get a TON of salt build up, i dont know how it is with other products but i hate to see it everywhere and its not cool for the plants


Well-Known Member
change the rez every 10 days is what i would suggest, i like cleanliness, not to be cheap on saving nutes or anyth8ing...take care of your plants and they will take care of you, also another reason for the rez change so often is, in my case i use GH flora and i get a TON of salt build up, i dont know how it is with other products but i hate to see it everywhere and its not cool for the plants
yeah i get slimy salt build up on the walls. for my dwc i clean tubs every week. i also find that if you get salt build ups that is when you get the brown spots ppl complain about. it fucks with you nutes and ph.


Well-Known Member
perfect example AG, my Ph starts out perfect, then when new salt starts to settle, bam, PH skyrockets, my setup is so simple all i have to do is look at it and enjoy, aside from always being in the rez checking PH....salt build up in hydro and maintanence flushing in soil are 2 of the most underestimated parts of successful grows


Active Member
this is what i did . i changed my res and it was a bitch and i cant imagine changing it every 2 weeks . its a 50 gal and it took for ever !so changed res and i bought a cleanser to run through my system and plants , i replaced all my nutes . another characteristic was wilting and im sure they where getting water cause my blocks were heavy. i hope teh change of water will work .


Active Member
my local guru said that the water evaporation was greater than the nute evaporation , so just adding to as i had is the reason i was having problems


Well-Known Member
Yes the nutes aren't evaporating with the water, which is also why you need to change the rez every 2 weeks. You can have certain nutes absorbed by your plants more than other nutes, creating an imbalance of nutrients which can lead to nute lockout on your plant. I think you mentioned you were sure what PPM you were running. With a hydro setup you really need to get one. There are a lot of easy ways to change the rez, like connect water pump with a long hose into your sink or 5 gallon jugs. And if your not using RO water (reverse osmosis), you should start.


Well-Known Member
Also when you add water between rec changes, just add plain ph'd water with No Nutesin it or your ppm will be off the chart