5 Week Old Lowryder 2 Santa Maria *17 Inches Tall*

heres my first grow, a lowryder 2 that ive been growing for 5 weeks. flowering started about a week ago and theres a decent amount of bud sites. its under 5 cfls and is about 17 inches tall and seems to keep growing, what kind of yield am i going to be looking at?photo (16).jpgphoto (17).jpg
how far do you keep your cfl's from the plant? it looks like she is stretching a little with cfl's you should keep them only 2-4 inches from the leaves and buds of the plant for optimal light absorption


Yep, same thing I had. Kept my light too far away and got quite a bit of stretching. Once I moved my light closer it started to bush out.
UPDATE: well i moved my plant alittle closer to the bulbs to prevent the stretching you guys were tlaking about but it still grew 3 inches since the last post. what now? download (4).jpgdownload (5).jpg week 5


Active Member
I've been pinching a few of my plants. If you damage the tissue on the main stem it will repair itself and stop growing upward until it is repaired. Hormones transfer to lower and side branching during this process, causing them to grow more vigorously. I'm not giving it my recommendation because I'm still experimenting with it a bit but as long as you do it gently it doesn't seem to permanently damage my plants.


Active Member
That is debatable. The lower down on the plant the smaller and less potent your buds will be. Lower growth can be using nutrients more useful up top. Some growers remove large portions of lower growth. This is called lollipopping. I advise you to thoroughly research and make your own decisions. To an extent, bigger equals more bud.
Most of the bud sites are on the upper half of the plant. There is just more bushiness of leaves at the bottom not as much bud sites
the bottom leaves on my plant are starting to die and im worried that it will grow up the plant and effect the bud sites. is this normal?