5 of the best mindblowing strains, Day 1... LOTS OF PICS!! Daily Updates.


Well-Known Member
I have 1 hash plant that is on day 11, the rest got transplanted today. The following strains have been started, White Widow Max, Great Fruit Kush, Fucking Incredible, and Purps. I have a grow tent that is 4.5x4.5x6.5ft. 400 Mh/HPS light. I am using Fox Farm soil in 3 gallon containers. And will be using all Fox Farm nutes.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
nice setup man ... i will be checking this one out.....i go with hydro always had problems with bugs in soil ... been trying out coco but it still saw a bug .... looking good thoe... you might need to go with a cooltube to keep the temps down but maybe not.


Well-Known Member
nice setup man ... i will be checking this one out.....i go with hydro always had problems with bugs in soil ... been trying out coco but it still saw a bug .... looking good thoe... you might need to go with a cooltube to keep the temps down but maybe not.
Day 1... for the 11 seen here, and the 1 "Halle" is hash plant ans transplanted 05/01/09. She looks great. My temps are 81 degree when the lights on and 73 when its off. But summer is coming so possibly another fan may have to happen. I have a 4" Inline Fan with a Carbon Filter, and the box fan on the side of my tent. It does pretty well. I'm in the process of locating a timer that will do 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off for my carbon filter, as of right now being only seedlings its not too vital, but I plan to get this dialed in very soon. Flood me with comments please.



Looking good so far man! Where did you find the fuckin incredible, purps, and grapefruit kush seeds? Also how long do you plan to vegetate them for before you flower them?


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far man! Where did you find the fuckin incredible, purps, and grapefruit kush seeds? Also how long do you plan to vegetate them for before you flower them?
I got Fucking Incredible from a buddy from my "club" that I traded some white widow max seeds that I bought from 420-seeds.com, and when I ordered the white widow max i recieved 5 free hash plant seeds (which is the 11 day old plant pictured). And the great fruit kush and da purps were from canaseed.com. I will veg for 6-8 weeks, we'll see. I have big money into this, stay tuned, you won't be disappointed.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I'm in the process of locating a timer that will do 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off for my carbon filter, comments please.

no need man just leave it on all the time.... if you want you could get a temp thermostat controller for your intake but leave the outake on all the time.


Well-Known Member
no need man just leave it on all the time.... if you want you could get a temp thermostat controller for your intake but leave the outake on all the time.
That seems a bit excessive? I was told 10 on 10 off by the guy who sold me the equipment. What are advantages of having it ran 24/0? I think when I switch my light over to 12/12 in 6-8wks i'll leave it 24/0, until then it doesn't seem to be efficient to be on all the time. What does everyone else do? My fan isn't the quietest!! Its loud and pumps a lot of wattage. Anyone?


Well-Known Member
I also exhaust (as seen in photo above) into the room, I haven't ran a duct from the exhaust out the room. There's a window in the room, and I open it often (refresh natural co2). It rarely gets warmer than 80 degrees where I live so heat isn't a problem. Especially because I'm running only a 400 watt light. Does anyone think it is vital to duct my exhaust outside the room? I know it would be ideal for best results but I also don't want to be blowing stinky tent smells out the house. Comments?


Well-Known Member
The first picture I uploaded is a seedling that won't go into veg state. All the rest are definitely getting bigger. I don't want to yank her and place a new one in because I only have 4 seeds of the strain left (white widow max). Shes one of 2 white widows that I'm trying to grow. The other (last photo) is looking great, and doubled in size overnight. Is it possible the seedling is in shock? Should I be patient and wait, or plant a different seedling? I have several on hand in a dome, just no more white widow's. :(



She looks like she's just a little bit behind the others. She might not be as vigorous as the others. I wouldn't yank her out of the soul unless she was a mutant plant.


Well-Known Member
Mutant? What do you mean? I guess I'll give her a week. Is it possible for a plant to not come out of seedling state? Its like one of my last white widow MAX seeds. I'm bumming


Well-Known Member
if you don't run your exhaust 24hours then at the very least when they flower during the time the exhaust is off the entire house will smell to high heaven, that is assuming you get a filter for it as well.


Well-Known Member
So I should run it 24 during flower, but can get away without 24/0 during veg, maybe 15 on 15 off, its hard to find a timer in such short intervals. I didn't just buy it for odor, from what I understand the filter "refreshes" the air. But excess odor would be a real buzzkill. Its in a separate room, and I can close the door but I rather not because of heat, and lack of fresh air.


Well-Known Member
So I should run it 24 during flower, but can get away without 24/0 during veg, maybe 15 on 15 off, its hard to find a timer in such short intervals. I didn't just buy it for odor, from what I understand the filter "refreshes" the air. But excess odor would be a real buzzkill. Its in a separate room, and I can close the door but I rather not because of heat, and lack of fresh air.
So I found out the inline fan is only using 80 watts of energy, with as loud as it is I guessed 180 watts at the least, which is why I decided not to run it 24/0. But i'm sure a couple of you chuckle reading this seeing as many use 2 1000watt hps and multiple fans. I live in a small condo and its hard to explain such energy usage. The possession where I live of marijuana is legal, but growing not so much... Anyway I suppose I'll run it when the light is on (currently 18/6), I'll place it on the same timer for now, then when I switch to 12/12 I'll leave on for 24/0. Anyone agree this is the best efficent way? Please comment!!


Well-Known Member
So I found out the inline fan is only using 80 watts of energy, with as loud as it is I guessed 180 watts at the least, which is why I decided not to run it 24/0. But i'm sure a couple of you chuckle reading this seeing as many use 2 1000watt hps and multiple fans. I live in a small condo and its hard to explain such energy usage. The possession where I live of marijuana is legal, but growing not so much... Anyway I suppose I'll run it when the light is on (currently 18/6), I'll place it on the same timer for now, then when I switch to 12/12 I'll leave on for 24/0. Anyone agree this is the best efficent way? Please comment!!
Comments? I also what does yellow tips on the leafs mean? I have one plant with yellow tips. I haven't watered in 2 days. Is yellow lack of water?


New Member
Comments? I also what does yellow tips on the leafs mean? I have one plant with yellow tips. I haven't watered in 2 days. Is yellow lack of water?
Not likely the plants should appear droopy if they need water it could.be heat stress or nute burn I'm assuming it either stress or light burn as I would hope ur not using ferts yet. If you can get pics it would be good help I always "prep" my plants by leaving them under a t5 for at least two weeks from sprout as I want no stress early on it tends to produce hermies and balls again a shot in the dark without pic. If it feels warm on your hand at the plant top it is warmer to the plant


Well-Known Member
Temp never gets hotter than 80 degree and I'm using a 400 Watt MH with plenty of room apart from the plant. And no nutes at this time. I was going to wait and give it Fox Farms Grow Big after the third week. My hash plant that is almost 3 weeks I will nute tonight. 1/4 of recommended dosage. But other than that I can't understand why I have a yellow seedling. I have other seedlings that are thriving in a greenhouse. Maybe yank the weakest links and replace them with stronger healthier looking seedlings? They're all the same age. . . What you think?


Active Member
hey guys I have been looking into those tents in that size for my veg room, how are you liking it, is it flimsy, and where did you get it? I have seen some crazy diferences in price from site to site tho


Well-Known Member
On top it holds my heavy inline fan, carbon filter, light, and my 12 Gauge shotgun. My girlfriend's stupid fucking cat sleeps on top of it sometimes that little fucker. I feel it could hold 100 lbs on top. My drunk ass fell on it once, no problem. Anotherwards very fucking sturdy. Mine was high quality, I suggest going to HTGSupply.com for the best prices and quality. Call them up and they will help you discreetly with any questions, of course its like a smoke shop, if you mention anything illegal the conversation and sale is over..