5 ft x 2 ft x 1ft any good?


Active Member
Sorry bout this guys, I'm bouncing all the hell over the place in my mind trying to decide on a first setup:?

Pantry/Promo Storage Cabinet – White : Target

That's a cabinet at Target I'm thinking about (Target for the employee discount WOO-HOO for being a cheapass!)

It's only 2 ft wide by 1ft deep by 5 ft tall. Not much area but quite a bit of height. So, with this 2' x1' area could I fit, say, two plants side by side? Or only one? I'd grow with CFLs then an HPS for flowering, all hanging from the top and adjusted for height. I'm sure the plants would be touching the walls but that's okay isn't it? And with this decent height to work with, would I also have the option of leaving a shelf in on the bottom for a small clone chamber?

Also, what size HPS would be ideal for this (it's about 10 feet cubed by my calculation 5 ft x 2 ft x 1 ft = 10ft cubed?).

Would this cabinet be versatile enough to try Sativas, indicas, and hybrids?

Thanks guys for bearing with me. At least I hope you keep bearing with me!


Well-Known Member
Is it a must that you grow in a cabinet,is there nowhere else like a closet or can you plastic off a small area in your basement or bedroom,i dont know shit about growing in cabinets so take what i say for what it is, which is pure speculation,i see alot of people's threads who are growing in cabinets experience serious problems,problems that are hard to overcome.

The only advice i can offer is to empty out a closet & use the storage cabinet for the clothes,then grow in the closet.


Active Member
Grow in a cab is great small controllable space that can have good yields If your interested on some more info I currently have a cab w 1000w. HPS light that stays 72 degrees all day


Active Member
I'm renting an apartment and I don't want to mess with the walls too much. I think I'd have to drill somewhere for ventilation, wouldn't I? And I think my closet is actually a little too big, overkill for the small personal op that I want.

What I think I'd like is to experiment with different strains ranging indica, sativa, and hybrids. If I find one I like I'd like to be able to keep a clone chamber of one or two, while growing the other two, harvesting, then switching in the clones to grow and harvest. I smoke small enough amounts where I think I could do this and be satisfied , while trying many different strains and keeping a clone of the one I like. If that makes any sense:neutral:


Active Member
okay buceye. Bet you grow badass buds with 1000 HPS! I think 1000 hps would be overkill for my pretty small space. I want something powerful enough to grow good buds, but weak enough that I can let plants grow pretty high without getting burned. with 5 ft height to work with you can only get the light so far away from tall plants ya know?

mr. purpzzz

Active Member
ya with that space your talking about i would think a 400 watt hps light would be perfect for just two plants...just make sure you keep the light close but not too close because you dont want them streching out too high. also your gonna want to flower them pretty early because they double even triple sometimes


Active Member
your right wasn't suggesting a 1000 for a shoe box get real. I started out with 200 hps. so I do Know small. The only bad thing with the 400 is heat. Do you keep the area that this cab would go A/c and can you vent right into that room or is smell going to be a problem? Also I assume that you are trying to do this as cheap as possible correct?

So what I would do: Go to your local garden store or off the internet and get 4-2gallon grow bags. You will like the bags better works great trying to fit in custom areas you can manipulate there shape.

Thats right I would put 4-plants you have plenty of height for air circulation and cooling your light.

And beside if all done right a clone could veg for three weeks then flip it and it would yield close to an oz. a plant (dry)

One thing I have learned that these cabinets can hold allot of heat and a 400 can make air temp rise well above 100 degrees

any more questions ? Keep it bright Keep it cool And keep it growing!!!!!!
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Active Member
I was thinking of using the exact same cabinet and I had a question about lighting. I found a great deal for a 1000w HPS and cooltube (6") and I was wondering if it would be at all feasible? I have a Stanley blower and can hook up to cool the light and I would probably run a line of airflow for just the light. Can it be done or is it just too much? Thanks.


Active Member
Thanks for helping with the specifics. Just got my White Widow feminized seeds, ready to start again. Already killed my first small bagseed plant. I think the soil was too hard so it couldn't root good. Gonna try mixing in some perilite this time.

1 oz. a plant? I hope I get that, that would kick ass.


Active Member
nice idea and cheap to. I had the same cabinet but decided against it cause i wanted more size. the middle shelf doesnt come out however so if u do use HPS and especially if it 400 watts, i'd remove the shelf. hope all goes well and nice choice with the white widow.. happy Growin'


Active Member
defin mix the perlite even a 60/40 soil /perlite mix on the 1000w w /cool tube you can bank on the light making air temp around the lamp in the 150 range so take that into consideration for cooling that is a lot of hot air that is coming out of your exhaust fan
also if supply air that is a/c would reduce exhaust air temps.