5 Foot Tall Hybrid - Root Bound With 3 Weeks Left! HELP!


No picture really needed here, I have two plants in 5 pot gallons with roots coming out of the bottom holes, leaves from lower/mid region are turning yellow and dying off. These plants are on week 5 out of a supposed 8 week total harvest time. These plants are huge and I'm not sure if I should risk transplanting them at this stage, will they be fine if I leave them for 3 weeks or do they need transplant?

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Get two more 5 gallon pots and fill half way with soil. Carefully cut out the bottoms off the potted plants and insert into new pots.
Done. No need for pictures.... lol

Also, if you don't have the space for height - just fill pot ¼ with soil.