4X4 table troubles


Active Member
I am just setting up a 4x4 table right now for sog. I am going to use 4" pots, Just wondering how many pots I can have in a 4x4 table without crowding the plants?


Well-Known Member
for one id post this in sog growers wanted you will get much help, i would grow 64 ive never done this but its most common to me , i just stared some but im doing 50 in 6 inch pots good luck


New Member
the jew is right, 6" square post will give you 64 plants in a 4x4 under a 1000hps and your in bizz.....4 per square ft is the rule and trim up the bottom 3rd of the plant to lollipop it and increase air flow throughout the grow. if you dont trim it it will be too crowded and mold will put a whoopin on you but properly trimmed sog style plants will work everytime.


Well-Known Member
how much yeild will you get out of a 4x4 with 64 plants in a sog??? I do a natural grow in hydro and can pull 1.5lbs out of a 4x5 area. I was thinking of going to a sog but I'm NOT going to lose product.


New Member
you will start off around a 1/2oz per plant dried, then after you get your op lined out as im sure you can then you can expect around 3/4 to an ounce. but you have to split the tray unless you have 3 or 4 of them. then you get 16 (every 2 weeks) or 21 (every 3 weeks) plants per harvest. so do the math from there and that will give you all you need to make your decision.
