4x4 Gorilla Grow Air-Circulation.


Well-Known Member
So, I am soon starting my first indoor tent grow as soon as i get the last bit of my supplies. I am looking for a litte bit of guidance on my interior fan setup. I’ve been back and forth between a few different options. My main priority is getting my plants the airflow they need to avoid mold or rot. I will be growing four plants at a time, and manifolding these plants to 8 colas each. I will let them grow as big as I can without having to worry about getting too close to my light in flower, I’m using a 480w HLG-550 and the tent is 7 feet tall, so I plan on getting the plants as close to about 4.5 feet tall (from ground, not pot) without going over (hopefully). For ventilation, I’ve got a cloudline t6 and s6 combo, both ran off the t6 controller. My exhaust is on the upper left side of tent while my intake is on lower right side. Here are a couple of the ideas I’ve had, let me know if one of these would be best or if you have another recommendation:

Option #1 - My first idea was to use a combination of tower fans and pole fans. I planned on getting two of the Holmes Gentle Breeze tower fans, putting them across from each other in corners of the tent, and leaving them oscillating across each other in the “breeze” mode, with two pole fans attached to the pole in the remaining two corners, either blowing down on the canopy, or one in a bottom corner aiming up at an angle, and the other up top pointing down in the opposite angle, to create a sort of centrifugal motion. This has been what I have been leaning towards the most, I am just afraid the two tower fans might be too much, bit I was hoping being in breeze mode and oscillating will help keep that from being a problem.

Option #2 - Put a good stand fan in the back and center of the fan to keep airflow through the canopy, with pole fans to keep airflow underneath and above the canopy. This seems like a pretty standard option, my concern is that the plants further away from the stand fan won’t get as much airflow, and all the good stand fans I’ve seen have fairly wide bases so I doubt I could fit one of these in each corner.

Option #3 - Gorilla Grow makes an accessory board that I can put up on one of the walls of my tent, that would allow me to mount a wall-mount fan to it. If I went this option, I would get one of the “super-8” oscillating wall fans to keep the canopy cool, and then supplement with pole fans underneath the canopy. I like this option a lot too, although not as much as #1, because I am a lot more confident the figure 8 motion this fan oscillates in will help to get even coverage, as well as having a good sized fan with no footprint, this option would just be a little more expensive than option #1, but if it is the best way to keep air moving through my ladies, this is the way I will go.

Thanks in advance for any input I get, I will definitely appreciate any help! also, if you have better solutions than one of these then feel free to let me know!

Bonus Question - When it comes to pole-mount fans, which is better out of the 20w Monkey Fans or 6” Hurricane fans?
Like two 6 in fans for your root zones and like a 10-12 inch oscillating fan mounted higher blowing over your hlg 550 towards the carbon filter/ t6. That should put you at ambient temp pretty easily. Good air exchange is one thing, but you don't need a tornado for happy plants.

Securing a 2x4 board on one of your poles with secure zip ties is a nifty way to hang wall mounted fans cheaply.
Op your overthinking the situation I see you wanna be prepared tho I’ve learned the best way to learn is to try .. right now ur gonna drive yourself crazy with the hypotheticals

mold is formed with little to no air exchange OR exchange of the same hot air and the only way to achieve that is High temps and a bunch of fans in a sealed tent

I have a 12.5 ft flower tent and a 2x2 for projects I have t8 cloudline in there it’s overkill but I’ll explain why and a 6 inch clip on fan on the back right corner pole blowing air directly from under the light the hood is a ac/de with 8 inch vents ..exhaust is dumped back into the same room

my temps rn are 69-71 with lights off and fan setting on 3 .. lights on I’m at 80-83 fan setting 3 or 4 .. for intake I have a 6 inch ducting pulling the air from outside .. I chose the 8 inch over the 6 inch t6 bc it makes more sense to have a bigger fan running lower speeds than a smaller one running a higher speed also the ac/de is 8 inch ..a 8 inch carbon filter also has more surface area so my smells will never be a issue

If you live in a area where it changes season using the air from outside is like a air conditioner and by just adjusting the fan speed you can raise lower your temps if you don’t just invest in a portable ac and a vented hood and save yourself the hassle from now

1.you need a vent-able hood .. period your in a tent a open fixture is just asking for a headache without a ac no debating this

2. u don’t need the s6 and t6 in a 16 sq foot tent if u can get the t8 do that or just run the t6 as your exhaust fan and for intake get a 8 inch duct fan those 25 dollar ones do a fine job of pulling in air

3.bug shields or hepa filter at the intake side to keep bugs and stuff Out with all the new airflow u will be surprised what can pop up

4. Two fans one bigger one blowing across the plants and one blowing air upwards from under the light heat rises so u wanna angle that fan up a little .. I’ve had two fans raise the temps bc all it did was blow hot air into other places the one fan didn’t ..with negative pressure (tent sides suck in) you rarely have to worry about mold the air is exchanging very fast