4th week of Flowering Help!


Well-Known Member
Here is my problem. I'm growing 4 plants under 2x 150watt hps light in 3 gal. pots good airflow and the room is a 75-80F, this is my second attempt at this, my first ended with what I thought was nute burn but more on that later.

I use FFOF soil with the FF 3 liquid nute. The plants look nice and healthy green at first look, even the lowest leafs. But some of the fan leafs are drying out and browning up, it almost looks like nute but, but I have purposly went light on the nutes this time around cause I thought that is what killed my first group. I also thought it might be heat burn but it is happening on leaf that are in no way close enought to burn.

I dont have a way to check my ph and tell you if that is ok, but I think water is my problem. Will hard water and mag. deficency look like nute burn? I need some help if you can.

I am trying to find my cord to upload these pics cause I know they would help :cry:


Well-Known Member
Yes it can...useing to hi or to low PH water will not allow ur plant to soke up any nuts...so go to walmart, go to the pool section, and buy a cheap PH checker...iv also learned that storing water in things such as old milk juges helps balance out the water, it gets rid of a lot of the chlorine, which ur plant dosent need.......but get a ph checker......


Active Member
A pic would help but my guess would be pH/nute lockout... Very common w/FF nutes. Flush the hell out of them with distilled water and then check the pH of the water that comes out of the bottom of the pot after the flush. If your locked up your screwed but, find a way to check your pH dude, your not taking this serious unless you do. Never water w/tap water, you gotta use RO or Distilled water to keep your pH in check. Good luck.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
yeah seems like nute burn flush ur medium with 3 times as much water. Looks like u got excess nutes in ur soil. This is causing the plants to over feed and that results in nute burn. Flush ur plant and dont feed again until the soil has dried up then feed on half the dose u was b4 so u dont get the same problem.



Well-Known Member
Thank you guys. I know I need to check my ph just dont have the cash for one of those ph meters. Will the ph paper like in the walmart pool section work lol? I dont have alot of cash right now but I could pull that off.

And since its my water and ph, will flushing with distilled water help to fix the problem? So I will probley need to keep using distilled water after right?

And my camera cable is MIA so that sucks.


Active Member
Thank you guys. I know I need to check my ph just dont have the cash for one of those ph meters. Will the ph paper like in the walmart pool section work lol? I dont have alot of cash right now but I could pull that off.

And since its my water and ph, will flushing with distilled water help to fix the problem? So I will probley need to keep using distilled water after right?

And my camera cable is MIA so that sucks.
Roach... In the future, always water w/pH adjusted water. You will need watch it like a hawk. If you look at the chart I put up you will see once your pH strays from the 6.4-6.5-6.6 range (in soil), certain nutrients become "unavailable" to your plants. To answer your question the damage you see is NOT irreversible. The most common of these is Mg (Magnesium) & Ca (Calcium)... Here is a link w/some killer info on deficiencies. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 In the future you will need a meter and some pH UP&Down. Mix up the nutes in Distilled water and let the nutes sit for 48 hours. Test the pH and then raise or lower it w/the pH Up&Down until you are in the 6.4-6.6 range. The tester strips are not good for this as you need exact testing. Hope this helps and remember... Always, distilled or RO water and GET A METER DUDE! bongsmiliegOOD LuCk...


Well-Known Member

I was able to borrow a metter from a friend, still gonna need to get one tho, but... like you all said, my ph is down to 6.0 on 2 and 6.2 on the other 2. I did flush with distilled water today, those numbers where after the flush. I will def need some ph up for the rest of this grow if I hope to get them back to the correct range. Thank you for the link it should help alot, still learning, can never know it all lol.

So just to make sure, in ther future, mix my nutes, test them after 48 hours to make sure they are in the 6.4-6.6 range right?
And will I need a soil ph tester if I'm using Foxfarm soil?

Thank you all again.

And forgot to ask, tiger bloom made my ph way on the acid side, can anyone recomend a different flowring nute.


Active Member
Roach... Your very welcome my man. What you can keep in mind for the future is using a good soil blend that is pH adjusted and mixing your nutes ahead of time will allow you to adjust the pH with some Up/Down before you water. You do not want your pH lower than 6.4 for soil. For soil if it drifts up to the 6.7,6.8 range you will still be better off than lower than a 6.4 Good luck to you and remember, Learning how to become a better grower does not happen over night.