(4k hps) pseudo coliseum build, need tons of input!


Active Member
alright guys.

i'd like to duplicate this grow with larger plants.

plants will be hopefully be vegged up to 15"+ in DWC and moved to soil for flower. I hope to use 48 5-gallon buckets .. 12 per level, two levels per side. At about 2.5 ounces per plant, thats 7.5 lbs per harvest.

right now, i'm thinking about going with 4x1000w for flower, evenly distributed through the length of the center aisle.

my question is ... how the hell do i veg 48 plants up to 15" without getting their roots all tangled up in DWC? could I use plastic tubing the size of the net cups that reach almost to the bottom of the tub to keep all the roots separated? I'd rather not use like 10 5-site setups just to keep the roots from jumbling together.

also, what sort of energy bill am i looking at for 4k + veg + fans? is there anybody here with any experience at that wattage that has some non hypothetical numbers?


Active Member
alright guys.

right now, i'm thinking about going with 4x1000w for flower, evenly distributed through the length of the center aisle.

also, what sort of energy bill am i looking at for 4k + veg + fans? is there anybody here with any experience at that wattage that has some non hypothetical numbers?
Well it depends on where you live on how much power cost. Here's a link to a site showing the cost of KW per state.


I know for fact if you where paying around 8cents per KW you would be around $300 per month, but if you paid 17cents per KW would be over $600 per month. Hope this helps