420 wtf?


Active Member
i know this might sound stupid to most but im not new to weed but i am new to growing and every where i look im allways seeing 420 on things it just keeps popping up and i was wondering what the fuck it meant:confused::confused:
the only thing i can link it to is something to do with light timings for vegging like 4 off 20 on, dnt know if i sound stupid and i dnt care but wat is it?

thanks for putting my mind at rest


Active Member
high times had an article about this a while back, 420 was the time when a certain group of kids out in cali all got together after school to smoke out, thats how it started, and then they just started sayin 420 after school and it has stuck, some ppl say thats the average time ppl light up and some say that 4/20 is national weed day but it was really just a couple kids and there slang term for smokin