400w soil grow scrog


Active Member
:joint:Hi everyone After a couple trial grows im ready to make a journal for you guys to check out!!:joint:

So heres some details...
-400w mh (veg)
-400w hps (bloom)
-4x 4ft florescent (clones)
-sunshine mix #1
-4 gallon pots
-advanced nutrients
(grow,micro,bloom)(big bud,bud candy,piranha,tarantula)
-plantlife products
(super B+)(The Hammer)

Im not sure witch strain this is i got it from a big time grower who was not sure of strain but hes had it for ever and loves it.
I also have access to "gods kush" from "Jordan of the island seeds"
but the gods kush is way harder to grow (i have done 2 runs with it) but its so much danker then what im currently growing, thinking about going back to it after this grow (less yield but higher potency)

Ok so the plants are currently in the first day of budding in the pics here. I will be cutting some clones off tonight when i do the ol' lollipop trim, and grabbing my next batch of clones for vegging from my buddy who keeps the moms of both strains.

The first update will be tonight when i do clones and trimming.




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Ok here are some pics of the setup I just rebuilt the whole thing this weekend, the veg isent quit done it needs enterance zipper and fans installed and light hung. Plus im going to hang plastic around the clones section to keep the light in. I put the clones up there for they could be heated from the bud room underneath. The bud room fan outtake is blowing on ballasts to keep them cool and the intake is just a hole with a light trap for now. And yes i know the wiring is a mess!!! I will fix that in due time lol theirs a pic of my supply shelf and the hippy wall too for some reason lol



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No clones last night I ended up working 14 hours so the old grow got neglected, oh well guess i know what im doing tonight after work lol


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Nice setup! I love your ballasts how they have that screened side for cooling, did they come like that or were they DIY? =D


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So last night I went in to pull my girls back through the screen, all was well until I fucking broke one of the best tops off lol
Ive been working lots of hours before Christmas break so I have had virtually no time in the room this week.
I'm going to pick up some "gods kush" clones for the next run today or tomorrow morning.
I'm also going to be making plywood doors for the whole setup because my room is so air tight its ripping the zippers off (even with a 4" round intake)

Here is some current pics.....day 5 flower



Active Member
So I finally got some time to build my new doors and intake and got my clone room running. Here is a list of improvments....

-2 new passive intakes (4 inch 90's)
-new door (missing lock still)
-weather stripped and poly'd door for light leaks
-clone room plastic to keep light in (bud room is so light proof it don't really matter)



Active Member
day 1 of week 2 budding
-went and got my 6 god kush clones for my next round
-cut 16 clones off my unknown strain for another friend
-thinned bottom of screen (lolly popped) for air flow

here is the pics.....



Active Member

Week 3 day 1...

So I kinda got lazy with pulling it through the screen and let it go lol
well not much too say little buds showing up everywhere, new clones are out of humidity dome today, god kush clones have been started on nutes yesterday and will be topped in a day or two then put in the veg room with some big cfls for a couple days before the metal halide is put in.

Heres some pics......



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happy new years

so its the last day of week 3 (half way done)

Its getting a really dank smell now and stopped stretching
starting to fill out nicely, I accidentally let the light get too close and some light bleaching was starting so i raised it up.

I have been experimenting with pruning during bloom and my last grow (#3) witch i did relatively no pruning i got the most yield so far but i really want to do some pruning on this cluster fuck i got got going rite now what do all you think about pruning for yield???

here is the end of week 3 pics.......



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Just made a journal for my next round will be doing gods kush

I wont be posting any pics of these plants in this journal

link is in signature



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so not much to say but.... wheres all the fucking comments I thought someone might think this grow is half decent but i guess nobody is watching. anywho its starting to get a little frosty in the ol'bloom box
temps are 68 at the lowest and 76 at the highest, humidity is at a steady 35 in there. It was pretty bushy so i removed quit abit of foliage yesterday. So the plan is to keep feeding for about 2 and a half more weeks then start the ol flush.

Here is some pics (day 26--week 4)




Active Member
Here is some closeups from last night...note that my camera sucks and I wont lie I suck ass at taking pics lol

That white looking bud in the pics is some crazy light bleaching from having the light too close. I had this happen on my last grow big time (dident know what it was) but it actually aint bad smoking, it seems more potent but tastes a little different.

Anywho here is the pics (week 4 closeups)



Active Member
Hey man, that's a sweet setup you have there! You're girls are looking good too, I'm thinking about doing a scrog for my next grow. +rep!!


Active Member
Did you build your screen?
yup its just some wire fencing with 2x2 inch holes stapled to a square wood frame I made. It is just sitting on top of two bricks to hold it up for now ( i got lazy and dident build the legs yet) look at the pics in my first post in this journal you can still see the screen in those ones.