400w Closet Grow "Texada Lemon Skunk" - First Grow


Seeds: "Texada Lemon Skunk" bought from the Vancouver seed bank

Germination: 48h, 10 seeds on a few soaked sheets of paper towel on a plate with a bowl. When I checked on them, 10/10 seeds had cracked, and 7/10 had already grown a root double, triple the size of the seeds.

Potting: Planted my seeds on Day 3 in 7 recycled pots from a local florist. I was negligent to washing them, and half of them don't even drain properly. I also only intended to plant 6, but 7 healthy seeds began rooting so lucky 7 got planted as well. Used some generic potting soil from the same shop. Watered with some tap water, covered pots with some baggies, and stuck them under a CFL from my kitchen overnight.

Vegetation: Day 1 and my seedlings have all sprouted and have shown signs of leaves within 30 hours of being in the soil. I had 2 CFLs for the first week and some natural sunlight in my naturally bright apartment. The seedlings are doing great, and with all the reading I've been doing about growing, its time to start getting serious if I want to harvest some serious bud. These babies have some serious potential here.

Lighting: Just a week in and the seedlings look beautifully green. I've purchased a 400w grow light and reflector and have setup my broom closet which is now my grow room. Using a MH bulb for now, and have a HPS bulb for when it comes time to flowering.

I have attached some pictures, the latest being just 12 days since I first got the seeds wet.

My Concerns:
This is my first grow, its been a fun learning process so far, and Im aware Ive made some risky mistakes, including transplanting lucky #7 and #5 into 2 gallon containers with some MG soil mix with 20% vermiculite dropping one of the seedlings after struggling from removing it from its container. I believe the result of that the leaves have turned yellow in a few spots. Either that, or I suspect nutrient burns from the MG soil.

All but one of the seedlings are doing exceptionally well in their environment, and if all goes well, this should be a very successful grow. From what I've researched since my spontaneous purchase is that Lemon skunk is a very potant smelling strain, especially when flowering and although I often smoke (mostly vaporize) weed in my apartment, and my roommate doesnt care about the smell. If I keep it locked up in my closet, and occasionally take them out to get some sun, should I expect a lot of odor during vegetation? I'll be lucky if 3 of these turn out to be female, and Im pretty sure I wont know until flowering anyway. So will 3 be more manageable in my space then 7 vegetating plants?

Keeping my grow simple, but expect the best results! Any and all advice is welcome.