400W CFL Grow, 26 Days into flowering, getting STINKY!


Hey guys, just wanna share with you guys my closet babies :)
8 Bagseed Sativa-dominant females, vegged for 2 monthes and flowering for 26 days.


11X20W 2700k
4X20W 6500K
2X45W 2700k in the bottom

some 20-20-20 chemical solution, got to move to blooming nutes ASAP.

I'm having some problems with them, hoping you could help me figure them out.
some pics:

happy tokin' everyone :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
maybe the the ones that are looking bad arent getting enough light. i think u should arange ur lights to get them closer to the middle of all ur plants not just top and bottom, cfls dont have the power to reach the middle. try pulling them sideways and lowering the lights.


cee1230 is right Clf's can't penatrate to the middle of the plants and it is not necessary to put a light at the bottom. The bottom part of the leaves dont take in much of the light any way. Try topping next time around. LSTing is also a option next time aorund. Remember with CFL's getting the light to all areas of the plant, ie bud sites, is the name of the game. I top, LST, use CFL's and floro tubes. I had a plant one time with 8 main colas all the same hight and got one and 1/2oz and better from each plant. Keep them short bushy and sexxxxxxy lol. I have learned a lot from reading on this site. But reading only gets you so far. You have to grow to learn for real.


Well-Known Member
Your plants definitely have a few issues: stretching being the largest. But it's a constant learning game. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and then start again.


Active Member
Yeah well growing bag seed sativas indoors if a tough task especially with low intensity lighting. Next time train them and keep them as short as possible. And just one question... why dont you upgrade to HID lighting? With that many CFL's the heat in there will be about the same, and you will get so much better penetration with a decent HPS setup. Once most of you guys make the upgrade to HID you will never look back.....

They also look way over fed, that leaf claw you have is a classic example. Remember less intense lighting combined with Sativas that generally dont like as much fertilizer all can lead to the problems you are having. And next time dont veg bagseed sativas for 2 months. A lot of people put them in 12/12 right away because they do exactly what your plant is doing....skyrocket.


Well-Known Member
I wonder about cfl reflectors there have to be some parabolic trough fixtures don't you think?


Update bump!
Ive layed on the nutes for the past few days, only water for now, gonna get some blooming nutes tommorrow.
Ive built a new lamp housing with a reflector and I didnt realize how much light I was missing with the last configuration.

how much time do I have left? its been 30 days to flowering.


Well-Known Member
Its hard to tell but sativa's can go for quite a while. I'd start checking the trics with a microscope around 55-60 days and see how it looks.. As long as she keeps pushing out white hairs she should still be filling out.


day 38, they are liking the new bloom nutes (biobizz bloom) and seem to fatten up a little.

I made a video of the growing space, tell me what do you think about it.
(I used a magnifying glass to get better focus on the buds from my supershitty phone cam.)

(will find a way to upload video later on... :-P)