400 watt mh

joe livewire

Active Member
i was woundering if i will do ok with 2- 400 watt mh lights all the way threw because that is all i have.and what is the biggest difference between hps bud and mh bud help please :mrgreen:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You can use them if you have no choice but you will loose out alot of yield as the spectrum (color of the light reds and blues) is not right for the flowering stage.You can get a conversion bulb which is about $80-100 which you can put into the mh ballast and it will poutput hps light. The hps light will be used for flowering/budding giving the correct light spectrum need for heavy tight buds.mh will work put buds wont be as dense or as big or plentiful.


Well-Known Member
(HPS) HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM LAMP - High-pressure sodium lamps operate by igniting sodium, mercury and xenon gases within a sealed ceramic arc tube. Sodium lamps emit light energy in the yellow/red/orange regions of the spectrum; the red spectrum stimulates flowering and fruit production. Many indoor gardeners switch to sodium lamps when it is time to induce flowering or fruiting of their plants.

(MH) METAL HALIDE LAMP - A high-intensity-discharge lamp in which the light is produced by arcing electricity through a mixture of metal halides. The light produced by metal halide lamps is in the white-blue spectrum, which encourages vegetative growth and "bushiness" while discouraging upward growth. This is the bulb to use in the first, vegetative phase of plant growth.
A Conversion bulb offers you the opportunity to switch the bulb in your Halide or Sodium fixture without changing ballasts.

Many cannabis gardeners prefer Halide light for vegetative growth and a Sodium light during blooming but a separate fixture is normally required. A Conversion bulb is a convenient option when you only have room for a single fixture but want the advantage of both Sodium and Halide lighting.

Please note:

High intensity discharge conversion bulbs are system specific. Sodium conversion bulbs are designed to be used in metal halide or mercury vapour fixtures only. Halide conversion bulbs are designed to be used in high pressure sodium fixtures only.