400 watt light, top or no top?


Well-Known Member
I have a 400 watt hps. say if i have two plants and i want to get the most yield. Does topping the plant generally create higher yield with a 400 watt.

my possible senario... 400 watt hps, two PPP veged for 10 weeks trimmed up aggressively to promote higher axilary growth rate. very large pots to hold a mini tree.

can anyone with any topping experrience supply any suggestions for me. thanks you


Well-Known Member
ten weeks they should be fucking trees with a 400watt

topping does increse yelds because it grows 2 colars instead of one plus more light hits the other nodes making its alot more bud sites and growth with the right nutes light which u have airflow and care u will have trees it will be atleast 4 ft at 10 weeks are somewhere around their with out blooming it will prob double to 8ft hope ur room is big

hope this helped dude