400 watt hps bulb question


Active Member
I was sitting in my room the other day when i noticed my hps bulb started turning a whiter orange to a almost mh white instead of that deep orange. this started happening long after i turned on my light fixture. im just wondering do i have a bad bulb or this is completely normal. any suggestions please?


Well-Known Member
ok,cause they only keep thier colouring and lumens for so many hours. mabee it was used.
next time you buy a bulb look at the metel end. if it is pushed in at the verry tip were it contacts the inside of the socket or is black there it`s been turned on before.
to late now.
hard to say though thet do change colour as they come on


Active Member
yah i know they change colour as they warm up to get to thir normal operating tone but, it fluctuates as its on. that was my concern. debating about taking it back for an exchange just living with it. what do you think


Well-Known Member
it changes once it is all warmed still. if so i would return it or mabee you have something wrong with the ballast. do you have another bulb to try


Active Member
now that you bring up the ballast thought. it could be the ballast. that would make more sense. its a sunsystem 400 watt ballast that switches from hm/hps .


Well-Known Member
more likely i`ve never heard of a bulb doing it. more than likeley it is the swith that is going.
you can just take out the igniter for the mh portion to run.
that is from hps ballast, that is the only difference in them is that the hps has an igniter to start the hps up.
there is probably a bypass swith in it. see if you can relpace it


Active Member
thanks for the help. with this i have a post in the indoor growing section as well could you possibly help ,e out with that as well. if its not too much trouble.

Due to a recent heat wave my apartment is a bit hot and i do not have ac. i have 2 fans in my room. the temperature is 82 degrees. i have a constant air flow on my plants that are in their second week into flowering. will this heat cause any problems or is this going to possibly be good or okay for my plants.
i have some nycd and some og kush clones.


Well-Known Member
they will be fine. they can handle up to about 90 degresse. just not to long but yours are fine.
high heat will slow growth. without ac most boxes will get hot.