400 plant sog


Active Member
Hello there everyone,

Not exactly sure how good I'll keep this journal but I'll try. The process of me doing this will likely be more for me to keep track of my grow rather than to explain my step by step processes. Feel free to ask me questions or give input though...I'm always down for a EXPERIENCED GROWER conversations. Hope you like what you see.

The set-up I have as of this moment. Just playing till my equipment comes in.

12x12 room
1-1000w HPS
4x6 E&B
40gal resy
Botanicare Nutes

I'm in week 4 of flowering a set of mexican trash seeds but like I said just playing till my system comes in.

My $8000 expansion that is in transit is 8-600w HPS lights w/digital ballast and cool tubes. 2-780cfm vortecs, 4-4x6 trays and 70gal resys and all the little shit that cost way too much.

I've attached some pictures of my trash smoke for you to look at but the good shit won't be growing for at least a couple weeks and even then I have seed sexing to do but stay tuned.

Oh yeah seedz ordered and germinated 10each bb,nl,wwm,g13



Active Member
These plants have not been treated nicely at all. Infact I can't believe that they are even alive. Plus like I said this is mexican compressed seeds...can't expect too much. Really just been check temps and humidity while I was saving for the big purchase. Now that I've made that purchase I'll be doing alot of work in the room. Probably just gonna rip these ladies out.


Active Member
Oh yeah....they only veged 3 weeks which is a big part of it and the light was pulled all the way up most of the time


Active Member
Update. All of my equipment has arrived yet I've been impossibly busy. My plans are to get the duct work to the attic ran tomorrow and three more electric lines ran to feed my 8-600w lights. I'll have pictures this weekend!!!


Active Member
Oh yeah lost 4 of my 40 seeds. The other 36 look great and should be ready to take sex testing clones in the next 2 weeks.


Active Member
Okay just a quick update. I'll start my installation tomorrow with a couple changes in the ventilation plans. I bought a commercial greenhouse fan for the attic to be sure I pull all of the heat out of the cool tubes. It's an 1800cfm. I've outfitted the intake side of the fan with a simple steel plate. Tomorrow I'll cut a hole in the center of the plate and install a 12" Duct nipple. I'm not sure how pulling air will vary from blowing air but we will see. On the lights i'm running 8" insulated duct. These 2 8" ducts will feed into my 12" running to the attic. I'm hanging the carbon filter in the room and just pumping that just outside of the room in the basement. This will be done with a 500cfm centri. Pictures later today! Oh and by the way my mexican dirt weed looks great. I'm not sure how but it's ended up with 2 foot colas. It's a bit leggy but looks and smells like primo shit....who woulda guessed it after all my neglect


Well-Known Member
hahaha nice sounds like killer set up man.. i wish u good luck in your endevours i dunno is that spelled right but i will be watching and lookin forward to pics of the op


Well-Known Member
cool shit man thats great how much space you've got. i'm interested in the airflow so post pics of that (if ya got time, looks like you'll have your hands full...) and what are you planning on doing for electricity?


Active Member
Thanks guys...lets hope it turns out well...

I look forward to seeing you sea of ~400 plants. How much bud are you expecting? 9-10 lbs?
5-7.5lbs every two weeks

cool shit man thats great how much space you've got. i'm interested in the airflow so post pics of that (if ya got time, looks like you'll have your hands full...) and what are you planning on doing for electricity?
Well lets hope they don't notice....8 bedroom house...maybe they wont...

Okay now for your porn....got alot done today....more tomorrow

