400 or 600?


Well-Known Member
this is the area i have, its bout 2x2 on the bottom and 8 ft tall, would this area be better with a 600whps or 400whps and then my 150whps also

or would it better to get 1 1000whps and hang it at the top of my closet and grow in the whole closet? would 1000w be enough to light up say 8 ft across x 2 wide and 8 ft tall? growing sog or something, would there be enough luminens as a 400 or 600 1 foot above?



Well-Known Member
so a 400 with keeping the ballast on a separate shelve, and cool tube the light, and run fans out to take the heat away?

i have never dealt with the cooling of the light because im just using the 150 econo light and it heats room to 76 then at night goes to 68 or something so i dont worry in winter..

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
400w + an a inline fan

same size near enough as my grow area, with out the fan venting the room it gets to over 90 with my 400w hps, around 80 with it on.


Well-Known Member
what is a good type of inline fan, and id just mount it hanging from somthing? or can i let it rest on the floor or shelve?

so my understanding is i would need an inline fan to sucks out the heat from the HPS cool tube into say my room because its so cold in here and that way it will be warmer

and that is all id need?


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, the sun puts out 10k lumens/ft sq. in that 2x2 room with a normal 400w hps you would be putting out over 12k lumens / ft. sq. ur plants are going to grow like crazy and ur heat is goingto be in the 100's. also i didnt notice if u were using soil. u are going to have to water quite a bit because of evap from the amount of heat.the best thing is to vent the light and the room. that way the room stays cool because of the lite vent and the room vent is for removing the stagnate air 2 - 3 times a day and u should be good.


Well-Known Member
what i do is my light turns on at 6 and turns off at 6 when i wake up at like 8-10 i open my closet door so its open all day so it has plenty of air circulation and then a 6 i close it and put all the light blocking shit in the way..

but if i get a 400 and cooltube and have a fat fan running through it should keep the tmps down very much wouldnt it?

NOW also should i run the 150whps with the 400 also? is that even beneficial?


Well-Known Member
now would this us postal box be big enough to fully support and flower a 1-2 ft bushy plant?

its about 14 long 1 wide and 1 high and the squares fit nice in my closet, so i can have a lot of different boxes


uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
they'll be plenty big enough, i would raise them off the ground and put some drainage holes in them.


Well-Known Member
sounds good! ill just put three of those in the area i have and load 2 with clones and keep 1 mom

time to go invest in some shit