400 hps DR60 TENT SCROG


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Hi Everyone, first time poster here. Here's a couple shots of my current scrog.

400w HPS in cool tube
squirrel fan
DR60 tent that's 2x2x5

3 Plants 2 pots. 1 Plant on the right is a Kush strain, don't know much else other then that I've grown out a couple other clones to see how she does. She's a fast flowerer and has barely any stretch at all. This means i'm going to be growing some of these tops at least a couple inches over the screen to ensure a decent yield.

pot on the left is 2 plants from seeds i grew out of summertime buddha and 5 star crosses. they will stretch a ton but there's room.

Here we are at 3 days before flower. Veg time is 2 months on my Kush plant which is mostly the whole screen minus the top left corner which is my summertime buddha cross.

Enjoy! more pics to come,




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I'm currently using well water, and my plants aren't that happy with it. Here's a couple other pics and I will post some flowering pics tonight, as she's currently flowering 3 days in and has already shown some good growth from the light change. This kush strain starts showing pistils in the first 3 days of flowering, which is great!

These pics show the stems under the scrog. This was at about 3 days using the screen. This strain is very branchy without any topping or fimming. Pics are showing my plant after a good flush prior to flowering. They had a definite nutrient lock down and are coming back together as we speak.



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Currently these girls are in Pro-Mix BX, i'm currently working on a new round of clones and my next kush clone which will be flowering in a month from now under a 250w HPS, I will be doing a perpetual grow to help maintain my little family's growing medical needs. The next round will be all coco, no more pro-mix for me. they just aren't growing fast enough indoors.

These two pics are prior to a bit of clean up and re-training/scrogging. the pics at the top were the final result after these. IMG_0048.jpgIMG_0049.jpg

Pics of my plants 3 days flowering will be up tonight. They are really showing good growth already and have pistils coming out to say hello!


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subed. i'm trying to start a setup similar to this with a 2x4x5 tent... should be interesting to watch


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My almost 1 year experience so far with this dr60 has been awesome. i love the tent's it sits in the back of our bedroom behind our makeshift closet and just pumps out greens. i have a second smaller one for clones and i'm looking at getting at least 3x3x5 or 6 soon for a better perpetual setup. one thing that is for sure, scrog is key to a real yield in these tent's. but temperatures in the winter are no problem for me so far , 25 degrees and under with a 165 cfm fan pulling air through the tent. my filter is a homemade carbon filter, made like this one https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/7074-easy-build-diy-carbon-filter.html


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Update! we are on day 4 of Flower. I'm now using the canon for pics. Also, first pics were right after a flush and my plants were very sad. Now you can see a week later. She is looking much happier!

Applied 6 heaping tbsps of Flowering Guano. Also, added some Flora Nova Grow 2ml and Flora Nova Bloom 2ml. IMG_3610.jpgIMG_3590.jpg

As you can see the promix is helping buffer my fairly hard well water. I've been boiling it and letting it settle a bit to eliminate some of the calcium so far so good.

Again top left corner is Summertime Buddha X 5 Star, Sativa Dominant strain which has 2 plants in 1 pot and both have been fimmed right before flowering to prevent to much stretch.

The rest of the screen is a Kush Strain, not sure which exactly, maybe some of you can help me out as she flowers to identify her? She smells very fruity once flowered.


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Ok we are at 1 week and 1 day flowering

Added a 6 tbspn''s of Flowering Guano last night and she's perked up nicely!



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Update with pics tonight for day 11. She 's flowering fast and furious and I think she's already stopped stretching, this strain is very fast flowering and I stopped using the Floranova Bloom for now, as she's reacting well to the flowering guano I gave her.


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Here's pics of round two! IMG_3647.jpg

Started LST trainning and fimmed her at the same time. Next time I won't be fimming, this Kush strain loves to branch out naturally and seems to take a week or more to come back from topping stress.


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and here we have some home bred Summertime Buddha x's 5 Star sprouts. these are mostly sativa dominant hybrid beans that end up showing some indica gene's every now and then.


This one highlights the 2 foot T5's i'm using for these little guys. They love em!



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Ok here's the promised update: Day 13 Flower Undetermined kush strain in SCROG


Here's one from the top you can barely see the screen anymore. And she has definitely bounced back from what was severe nut lock in the start. Thank goodness for that! :)


And one that shows how much higher these tops are from the screen now. So far I think I timed my flowering perfectly and she seems to have stopped stretching already, we'll see on that one.



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Day 17 Flower and things are going great! I had to chop the head's of the sativa dominant plants in the top left corner, they were in there just to fill the screen a bit, but they are getting too tall and I don't want to raise the light much more then it already is.

pics are a little blurry, have to check the camera's settings again.

IMG_3689.jpg IMG_3686.jpg


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Plants have been watered every 3 days so far, which is not great, but I rather let the medium dry out and so far this has helped tremendously, all this with hard well water and Promix BX . I started brita filtering the hard water for this flowering plant. I do not want to nute lock her out.


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Plants are being given Flora Bloom and Molasses only. So far they are loving it, though I notice an overall nitrogen deficiency due to nute lock out at the start of flowering. Hopefully she keeps going strong!

EDIT: they are also being given flowering Guano which was added at the beginning of flowering. I am giving a weak solution of Flora Bloom (under 2ml) and a tbspn of Molasses every watering. I will up the Flora Bloom to 4 ml at the start of week 3



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Well I chopped the top left corner, sativa dominant plants, they were flowering way too slow compared to the kush plant and were just getting tall for nothing, I will update pics later tonight. the reality is that I lost only the top left corner of my screen, not even 15%, so things are still looking good and I can now keep my light nice and close to the canopy!