4 weeks into flower, how much bud should there be


Well-Known Member
hey guys I was just curious, ive got a plant that's about 4 weeks into flowering, its got basically three big branches, 2 running up along one standing 2 baton 36w fluoros and a couple 23w CFLs, about 4-6 inches at most away, and another branch has 2 batons all to its lonesome. whats confusing me is that the two branches sharing a light seem to be budding a lot more than the single one that has two lights all to its lonesome. the lights are standing to give you a visual, running up the walls of the tent, its only about 2 foot wide if that, but 4-5 foot tall so seemed far more logical to run the lights up the sides. But overall, the whole thing looks pretty small for being 4 weeks in and having a good 200w of light, its only 3 foot tall at most. Am I doing something wrong, or does it not really fatten until later on?
No Pics? I'll estimate a couple grams.
ive gotten a few grams from far shittier grows than this lol you seriously telling me I didn't give you enough of a verbal description to get an idea of whats going on? the buds on it atm are like little clusters of white tentacles not negligently sized, they just look airy
I'd have to see pictures of this!
so would I, if they weren't good mates I would've called bullshit. I'm not claiming, and nor were they that they got pounds of PRIME PRIME bud from it. But taking into account how much cheaper it was to assemble, how much cooler CFLS run compared to HPS so you can have far less noisy extraction goin on, and how much cheaper they run, pounds of ok bud seems like a pretty viable option :) I cant afford anything dearer than CFLs it took me months to get the 200ws of them I have now
Months to acquire a couple of CFL's? I know homeless people that can do better than that. You asking for help Lets See Some Pictures of the problem you having.
I have a kid wife and have to actually buy bud first lol do the homeless people have those expenses? I have no decent cam atm that's why I haven't put any up :( I have a shitty 2.0 megapixel if you want me to try that but id have to wait about another 8 hours lights are off atm