4 weeks into flower good AFGOO grow going bad! PICS (600watt hps closet)


Active Member
So I am about 4 weeks into flowering with my afgoo clone and it has taken a turn for the worst over the last week and a half.
The problem started with the fan leaves. they yellowed quite evenly until they were a dry crisp until i cut them off. Now the entire plant is starting to go and I need help to save my only plant!!
I have already lost all my large fan leaves and I really can't afford to lose this plant =(
I think it is a root zone issue or some biological fungus, I have bought some root innoculant and superthrive to help out.

Grow medium: 5 gal pot with fox farms ocean forest ( transplanted from miracle grow 1.5months into veg)
nutes: only big bud and molasses thus far into flowering.

Watering: about 2 gal every 4 days or as the soil gets dry. ( I just flushed last week to combat this problem with no success)
Lets get to the bottom of this RUI and I will be sure to inform you all of my afgoo grow!

Lighting/temps: 600 watt hps about 1.5ft from top cola. temps are ~82 day and ~70 night with RH at 40-50



Active Member
Are you using RO water? Are you PHing before you water? In soil during flowering stage you should ph at 6.3.