3x3 Gorilla Tent set-up Advice


I'm fairly new with 3 successful stealth grows under my belt. However I would like to step it up a little. Im looking to purchase a 3x3 gorilla tent so I need some advice on what all I need.

Medium/Nuts- I'm using fox farm ocean forest soil and fox farm nutes

Lighting - I prefer to use LEDs for a different number of reasons. Please correct me if I'm wrong but is 50watt per square foot ratio needed when using LEDs? Also when buying lighting what am I mostly looking for? I've saw different "china" website for cheaper prices. But not sure what I'm looking at. I've also seen a placed for refurbished lightning at cheaper prices. Does anyone know of any good sites

filters/fans - I have no clue?

I have a max of 1200 to spend on my set-up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
As for lighting, I'm not much help there because I have no experience with LED's.. However for a fan and filter combo, I would just get a decent inline fan from amazon. You get what you pay for in terms of noise, efficiency, and life. as for a carbon filter, i bought a cheap 6x18 inch on from ipower on amazon for like $45.

also, i wouuld use fox farms light warrior for seedlings, because everyone of my seedlings started twisting from straight ocean forest lol. Also, look into fabric pots, they are pretty cheap, last awhile, and keep your roots oxygenated and air pruned so you wont run into root binding issue a month into flowering. good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Chinese lights can be great, I use them. Look for units with 6 or 7 band spectrums using 3w or better bulbs. With LED it isn't so much about how many watts you have as it is about getting proper coverage. With Led its better to have multiple units then it is to have one large unit as LEDs provide their best results in a small footprint below the light and about 6 inches in every direction. Bigger units can of course be used to light larger areas but for even coverage multiple lights is best. Of course how big your growing space is factors into how many lights you will need. for a 3x3 tent 2 240w units would probably give u enough coverage but it would probably be a good idea to supplement with a couple t5 flurosents on the sides of the tent.

If it was my tent and I had money to burn id probably use 4 240w units to get perfect even coverage but I tend to go overboard with things