3x3 flowing rm, 600w hps, how many plants?


Well-Known Member
well , im no pro but i do know you can chosse among many methods to grow your pups,,, you could grow 2 huge ass plants or 12 medium sized ones depends how long you keep the plants in vegetative growth. i would go with 8-12 1week old clones


you think I could flower 12 med. Size plants in that small area? If that's the case I should be good cause I was hoping to do 6-8.


Active Member
well , im no pro but i do know you can chosse among many methods to grow your pups,,, you could grow 2 huge ass plants or 12 medium sized ones depends how long you keep the plants in vegetative growth. i would go with 8-12 1week old clones
...very true... genetics is another determing factor. I have flowered between 6 and 12 plants at time under an 400w.


Well-Known Member
I flower 6 in a 2x3 box in 3 gallon bags just fine. It gets a little tight at the end but that's ok :) I'd say 9. That's one per square foot. I have 12 right now in a 4x4 but four of the plants are monsters. I could fit 16 if they were smaller...


Well-Known Member
...very true... genetics is another determing factor. I have flowered between 6 and 12 plants at time under an 400w.

yeah thats right! genetics do play a major role in how many plants to grow, the less branches the more you can squeez in there!

like lowryder for example!

they are short plants with litle branching witch is cool for growing twice as many as you would most other strains then on the other side if you have a stretchy sativa type you will be pushing it with more than 4

and like the last guy said 8 or 9 sounds just about right for a medium size strain under a 600w


Well-Known Member
Go for lowryders! U can try all of their varieties in that size of a room! I had 3 1/2 x 3 to growin in my dorm. I would yield about a pound every harvest with a wide variety. Just be careful of male plants! Might want to go for fem. seeds then clone away! Good luck!!