3rd bho run need some help

DoDo Knife

New Member
hey guys so just a couple quick questions before I try another bho run today....

1....can you over vacuum when trying to make shatter? should I pull it into a muffin and let it go down then full vac or slowly raise the vacuum as it purges slowly....I have seen the argument for both ways so kinda confuse.?

2. Should I freeze the bud I am doing a bud run already dried and ready to smoke....I have also read a lot on this and its a lil confusing if people mean yes they froze bud ready to smoke or a live plant...

3. is there something I am doing wrong cause everything I read says general rule is 1 can of butane per oz...last run I did was just a 1/2 oz (want to get this down on small runs before I go bigger)...but with that half oz I kept spraying checking to see if the coffee filter on the bottom is still sticky well last time for a 1/2 oz it took about 1 can and 1/4 of the next one.....why would it take that much more butane than suggested? can spraying a lot of butane evene make a difference? like shit really couldnt I run 100 cans cause you evaporate the butane off anyway????

4. this will be my 3rd run the first came out as dry crumble....the second I tried for shatter and about half of the patty stayed as shatter but some hardened up into a crumble (slightly moister than the first batch) however the first time I didn't freeze the second time I did and the second time I didn't get nearly as much as the first anyone have ANY sugestions on either getting a better yield OR really ANY advice would be appreciated I have been doing LOTS of reading and I know this info probilly is out there but I am just get ing confused cause there is SOOO much info out there and well lets put it this way I make custom knives when I stared years ago I learned a lot from the internet BUT the problem with internet any idiot can put what ever info they want...when I was learning about making knives I learned a lot of people think they know what they are doing but really have no clue I think the same thing happends here...
THANKS GUYS!!! I will really appreciate ANY help and advice!

Oh 1 more thing your supposed to blast the butane as fast as it will come out of the can right? that's what I have been doing but.. I know you can also soak the weed in butane (like the thermos method) so I was thinking would it be better to spray slow so the butane stays in contct with the bud longer? but spraying slower you probilly wouldnt get the pressure you would full blasting any thoughts?
hey guys so just a couple quick questions before I try another bho run today....

1....can you over vacuum when trying to make shatter? should I pull it into a muffin and let it go down then full vac or slowly raise the vacuum as it purges slowly....I have seen the argument for both ways so kinda confuse.?

Over vacuuming shouldn't affect shatter, but it will reduce the terpene levels. We limit our purges to 10,000 microns/-29.5"Hg.

2. Should I freeze the bud I am doing a bud run already dried and ready to smoke....I have also read a lot on this and its a lil confusing if people mean yes they froze bud ready to smoke or a live plant...

Freezing and using subzero solvent limits extraction of the longer chain molecules like b carotene and chlorophyll.

3. is there something I am doing wrong cause everything I read says general rule is 1 can of butane per oz...last run I did was just a 1/2 oz (want to get this down on small runs before I go bigger)...but with that half oz I kept spraying checking to see if the coffee filter on the bottom is still sticky well last time for a 1/2 oz it took about 1 can and 1/4 of the next one.....why would it take that much more butane than suggested? can spraying a lot of butane evene make a difference? like shit really couldnt I run 100 cans cause you evaporate the butane off anyway????

The way to tell concisely when you've used enough butane, besides feeling for sticky, is to look at the spent material using a loop or microscope to see if there are any intact heads. There should be only stems left.

4. this will be my 3rd run the first came out as dry crumble....the second I tried for shatter and about half of the patty stayed as shatter but some hardened up into a crumble (slightly moister than the first batch) however the first time I didn't freeze the second time I did and the second time I didn't get nearly as much as the first anyone have ANY sugestions on either getting a better yield OR really ANY advice would be appreciated I have been doing LOTS of reading and I know this info probilly is out there but I am just get ing confused cause there is SOOO much info out there and well lets put it this way I make custom knives when I stared years ago I learned a lot from the internet BUT the problem with internet any idiot can put what ever info they want...when I was learning about making knives I learned a lot of people think they know what they are doing but really have no clue I think the same thing happends here...
THANKS GUYS!!! I will really appreciate ANY help and advice!

Oh 1 more thing your supposed to blast the butane as fast as it will come out of the can right? that's what I have been doing but.. I know you can also soak the weed in butane (like the thermos method) so I was thinking would it be better to spray slow so the butane stays in contct with the bud longer? but spraying slower you probilly wouldnt get the pressure you would full blasting any thoughts?

Answers above in blue.

When we were still open blasting, we just inserted the can in the hole and let it rip. How well it does is more a function of column design and packing.

What size tube are you using? How are you packing?
Thanks man lots of good info....so this one is still in the vac but it will be done soon....so I did a 1/2 of a zip 3 times now going to move to a full oz I have 2 bho tubes that take about 14-17 gr. if I am going to run 1 full oz would it be better to use the 2 1/2 oz tubes or would I get a better yield or anything if I go and get 1 tube that will hold a oz? I break up the bud not totally just into small nugs pour in a inch or 2 into the tube pack somewhat firm but not as hard as I could.
Thanks man lots of good info....so this one is still in the vac but it will be done soon....so I did a 1/2 of a zip 3 times now going to move to a full oz I have 2 bho tubes that take about 14-17 gr. if I am going to run 1 full oz would it be better to use the 2 1/2 oz tubes or would I get a better yield or anything if I go and get 1 tube that will hold a oz? I break up the bud not totally just into small nugs pour in a inch or 2 into the tube pack somewhat firm but not as hard as I could.
My size question was actually what is its diameter and length. That affects its efficiency.
the tube iis about 1.5 by 6 like I said fits a lil more that a half if I am going to run a oz can I use 2 of these tubes or would it be better to get a bigger one I can fit the whole oz in?
Suggest that you go smaller in diameter and longer in length to get a more efficient extraction. Consider how much material is missed at the injection end, without a diffuser, so suggest first packing a coffee filter, then material.

I've experimented with 1", from about 12" to 36" with good results. Longer, smaller diameter columns under wash less material on the injection end, but can over wash the injection end to adequately wash the discharge end, as the column becomes longer.

I also note that you reduced tube size since I wrote this, and the same principles apply, but are less severe with the smaller tube diameter. A diffuser on the injection end is important to prevent channeling.
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Ummmmm, could you elaborate?
Sorry I’m new to the bho, but I’m trying to figure out is when you put your oil into the vacuum chamber and pull a vacuum I read in your post you keep it in the vacuum chamber for 2.5 days and I was wondering if you kept it heated as well and what temp?
Sorry I’m new to the bho, but I’m trying to figure out is when you put your oil into the vacuum chamber and pull a vacuum I read in your post you keep it in the vacuum chamber for 2.5 days and I was wondering if you kept it heated as well and what temp?
It doesn't take me 2.5 days, but I keep the temperature around 115F, or the point where the concentrate is molten, so that the bubbles can readily escape.

I typically start with cotton candy, which only takes around 4 hours to get below 10% of residual solvent standards.