3ftx4ft Flower room - horizontal? vertical? scrog?


Active Member
Flower room is 3ft wide x 4ft long x 7ft high.

I need help deciding which way to go with my flower room.
Grow normally? do a vertical? scrog it?

Plants will be vegged in another room for 4-6 weeks under CFL then moved to the flower room.

I will only have access from one end of the room. I was wanting to go vertical but I'm worried about not being able to reach the back plants.

Other info:
-600 watt hps in a cool tube
-recirculating dwc

desert fox

Well-Known Member
because you got the 7 feet in height. You can also just throw a net your trees that was more of the bottom branches get bigger bud. Its kinda the happy medium between growing trees and scrog. 3 feet deep would be a bitch to work with a scrog. especially if you only have access from one side.


Active Member
because you got the 7 feet in height. You can also just throw a net your trees that was more of the bottom branches get bigger bud. Its kinda the happy medium between growing trees and scrog. 3 feet deep would be a bitch to work with a scrog. especially if you only have access from one side.
I've actually got access from the 3ft wide side, so I would have a 4ft reach to make.

I thought about doing something like that. Also thinking about doing a V shaped scrog and letting it grow up the sides a bit.

With 7ft height would there be any advantge to a scrog or should i just go horizontal?

Vertical scrog with a screen around the bulb seems to be the way to go, but can I do it without being able to reach the back plants?

Room is framed in, just need to finish the dwc and electrical, and figure out the flower room.


Well-Known Member
scrog is usually ment to maximise use of horizantal lighting... you keep all the tops at the same hight so that the light is equal distance from all the tops and vertical grows are more ment for trees surrounding a light that gives you a well lit plant top to bottom and you just have to spin the plants every day for even lighting hope this helped... peace


Well-Known Member
Hang bulb vert in middle
Plants on tiers or around light wahlaa
Dwc would be easy if you use buckets.
I built a mini stadium in my 5 x 5 with cinder blocks and 2 x 4


Active Member
Vertical !
Even if I can't reach the back couple of plants?

I'm planning a screen around a cooltube with a 600 hps. Will i need to train them into the screen like you would a flat scrog? or will the screen keep them away from the bulb without training?