30 plants, 2000-3000 dollars....


Well-Known Member
im going to move to Colorado and try to get the maximum plant limit without patients of 30. Anyways, lets say the budget for everything, from lights to pots to nutes, chains for hanging, everything is 2000$-3000$. So how would you do a cycle and what would you buy wattage wise and nutes. Im looking to have at least 2-4 ounces a week every week after the first harvest. I dont want to run out of pot. I smoke alot lol.

anyways simple point, 2-3k$ what would you setup?


Well-Known Member
I hope you are over 21 because Colorado passed laws last week that make it very hard for anyone under 21 to get a license.
make sure you have good vent system....it's cheap so no reason not to have a very good system... for the kind of money you are talking about using... do the four bulb set up like other person said before me but I would also add in two smaller bulb's (125 watters) but put them on the floor facing up.. they seem to really love this.

gwerns nugs

Well-Known Member
1000w hps. cost 100 a month to run at 90 cents kwh.....soooo u gotta calculate your power consumption into your equation....if your total budget is ONLY 3k then id start with 4 hps...work my way up...if your are talking perpetual then really you could get away with adding one light every month the have a harvest every month,,,...then when you reach your desired number of lights you just replace with new clones.....quite simple
better watch where in col you are going cuz you will have your shit kicked in and maybe you should move to alaska you can have up to 27 plants anyone can