30 days in 2dudes 2 chicks


Active Member
Well i am on day 30 finally got a couple pics. Shorty has the yellow hard crinkled leaf. Big fan leaf on the bottom i think the rest is ok should i be concerned..? all the other ones i dunno thats what im askin all you guys about. My droopy one im not sure, not nute burn (i only fed once) thought over water but nope, few dark stripes headin up the branches from the main stalk ive heard stress from reaching for the lite..? the two on the left are dudes i think ill give it a bit into flower before i yank em but they are showing unfortunate signs:sad:


fat sam

Well-Known Member
i think you have a ph problem, if you only fed them once i would try flushing with ph'd water then wait a day or so and give them some nutes


Active Member
I have been using mixtures of distill and tap that i leave out and testing every time, when i did feed em tho the ph of my solution went way down. is that wat nutes do? Is that when i should ph up im thinking?? any home remedies to this? kinda broke... otherwise ill go grap sum ph up at the store later this week.