3 white widow plants?

i have three that have been in flower for 14 weeks now......they still have about 40% white hairs. no micro scope here....i used a magnifying glass though....they look clear still. i use t5's....some people say i have two more weeks but i heard that two weeks ago.....wish i wouldn't have flushed! why is it taking so damn long? i use the orange bloom bulbs as well!


Well-Known Member
in flouroscents flowering is very slow. be patient, and start feeding again untill more hairs are orange and you are sick of waiting. or, just chop it. you will never see amber trichs on it.


Active Member
14 weeks ? whats the breeder ? u sure they are only ww and not a never ending cross ? lower the time of lights to 11 or 10 and raise up the lumens as much as u can , u doint need to introduce another buld so to do this , geting the excisting lights closer to the plant will do the trich ermm sry the trick i ment :p


Well-Known Member
well if they are still clear, dont chop.
clear = pointless.
how are the pistils? you said 40% white? whats the other 60%?
id say keep waiting