3 weeks of flowering no bud


3 weeks have passed and the hairs are not even out. I know there females so, i see where the hairs are coming out but they are out yet. I'm using bubblepoinics

I have 6 2750K 42watt, 200watt equivalent CFL lights, on top. and two 2700K 100watt equivalent on the sides. im using the Pro Bloom from pure blend. I've been doing the 12 on 12 off for about 3 weeks now. and there is no light getting in the room during the dark. and there is no bud on it. will I just have to waite longer???

A friend of mine had a high pressure sodium and had bud within the first week grow.(but he was using soil) does it flower different if in soil

do I just need to waite longer or am i doing something completely wrong


Well-Known Member
If you only vegged for a very short period. Then even after switching to 12/12 the plants still need to become sexually mature before they begin to flower. Double check for light leaks and try to be patient.


Active Member
i had the exact problem with my last grow because i switched to 12/12 too early but the buds did come eventually thou they weren't that big.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I'm think'n light leaks, like cbl mentioned.
...did you start from seed or clone? ...how old was the plant before trip'n?


LOL light leaks. I love it when people say dumb things like "a pin hole of light will ruin your flower!"

Do these people realize that, gasp!, there is light at night in the real world?


Well-Known Member
LOL light leaks. I love it when people say dumb things like "a pin hole of light will ruin your flower!"

Do these people realize that, gasp!, there is light at night in the real world?
LOL, I love it when people post without having all the facts.
I hate to tell you, but when a plant is in transition a brite flashlight shined the plant during the dark period for even a few moments is enough to hamper them. Now later in flower, say like 4 or 5 weeks. Some light during the dark period usually will cause no harm.

trichlone fiend

New Member
LOL light leaks. I love it when people say dumb things like "a pin hole of light will ruin your flower!"

Do these people realize that, gasp!, there is light at night in the real world?
...yeah light leaks cause hermies rookie, do some research before you ramble nonsense.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
im just guessing here, but if marijuana were grown in the wild, over a minimum of 8 weeks of flowering wouldnt the plant experience a full moon at least twice? including the waxing and waning cycles each time. i gotta believe there is a minimum threshold of light that will interrupt the hormone process because there is enough light to read during a full moon, even with no light pollution and it manages to flower just fine in nature.


Active Member
yea man, but the moon is a different kind of light. the kinda light that is put off by your cell phone screen. NOT STRONG OR BRIGHT! did u know that u can also have GREEN lights on in your grow room during "lights off" and they wont be effected


I checked for light leaks a couple of times, there is no light getting in. the males sexed really quick, i had two males. the plants right now are clones, and i've been vegging them over little over a month before i started flowering. I mean they were so big I was just like ok I guess it is time. Also another question. I noticed during the flowering that purple veins started showing up. I mean this is my first time flowering the plants. So im still experiencing new thing. Does the purple veins that are showing up mean anything??, i know they get a lot stiffer when the vein starts to turn purple, What does that mean. My momther plants who have been under 24/7 4 cfls 6500k that ware equivalent to 100watts each, and it branches started turning purple, can you guys give me any clue what that means??

oh and thank you for all your help


Well-Known Member
Males usually do show first. It taking a bit longer for the other plants may be a good sign they are female. For the purple veining, she is probably just asking for some more Phosphorous. Maybe up your bloom nutes a bit next time she is due for feeding. I grow organic for the most part and really like a seabird guano tea for transition and the first week once they begin to flower.


Well-Known Member
im just guessing here, but if marijuana were grown in the wild, over a minimum of 8 weeks of flowering wouldnt the plant experience a full moon at least twice? including the waxing and waning cycles each time. i gotta believe there is a minimum threshold of light that will interrupt the hormone process because there is enough light to read during a full moon, even with no light pollution and it manages to flower just fine in nature.
Plants evolved in the presence of moonlight, so moonlight isnt an issue. Just be aware that disturbing the night light cycle (to show them to your friend or do work on them) will cause hermaphrodites. If it is necessary to do work on them during the dark period, get a green light. Green light is safe to use without disturbing the night cycle.



Well-Known Member
im just guessing here, but if marijuana were grown in the wild, over a minimum of 8 weeks of flowering wouldnt the plant experience a full moon at least twice? including the waxing and waning cycles each time. i gotta believe there is a minimum threshold of light that will interrupt the hormone process because there is enough light to read during a full moon, even with no light pollution and it manages to flower just fine in nature.
It is my understanding that moonlight is reflected light and not direct light and thus has a different effect on plants.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Yes moonlight is just sunlight reflected off the moon. It's just a small fraction of the intensity of the sun though, which was my entire point.

All of which again leads me to conclude that there is a minimum threshold of light that will interrupt the hormone process involved. Clearly this threshold must be at least as much as a full moon. I believe any marijuana plant that could not handle this minimum threshold would not have flowered and reproduced properly and would not exist right now. I know that moonlight is not very intense, but its far more intense than the minimum "allowable light" during the dark phase according to most people, and that just doesn't make sense to me.

Think about it, if an insanely small amount of light (less intense than moonlight) would cause your plants to not flower, then how did these plants exist and thrive in the wild?


Active Member
Back to the OP's original topic: If you've got 3 big plants running off of a handful of CFLs for flowering, your flower development could be slowed down simply by the lack of the light energy it needs to form flowers. There's a couple of things you can do to improve your light distribution.

1. Try busting out some HPS for your next grow and try to get about 50 Watts / Sq ft for standing plants. If you're growing tall plants (like 3' or more) then you'll probably want to go with at least a 400W simply for enough intensity to make it down to the lower leaves. This will help you get more baby buds down below (not as glorious as top colas, but it adds up :D).

2. HPS is never all that cheap, even if you can wire the ballasts and fixtures yourself, it's pricey. If you're just growing for yourself and not making money on the side, perhaps you want to try scrogging with a few more CFLs. Make a light board that you can hang above your scrog with a reflective surface (mylar's a safe choice) and mount your lights on it. That way you can lower your lights right over the highest flowers and maximize what light you get.

Again, I'm no expert, but I've read that low light can extend flowering time.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if you said it I could not stand to read all the BS...

Do you know the strain, Sativa can do this to you and if you are growing it indoors, good luck my friend...JR


I thought about HPS, just a couple of factors, it was a lot and it would cost a lot to run it. the heat that the hps gives would be too much. the cfls don't give off that much heat.

but that isn't a enough i mean each of my CFL 42 watt is a 200w equivalent. and I have 6 of them going with two 23 watt that is 150watt equivalent.

Do the HPS just give off more heat than the cfls do?


two of the girls are really tall, so i guess that is sative, the other one is shorter but still tall, so they might be both sativa