3 weeks in, need advice


Alright fellas this is my first grow and it's 3 weeks in since i planted them after germinating them. For the first week and half I had the light too far away which slowed down the growth rate and stretched them.

After some advice from you guys I got it growing properly, i hope. anyway, because of the slow start I'm assuming my timescale for the auto-flower plants is off a bit. How do you think these are doing?

I was told I should cover up the root on the a bit on the cheese. I water them once every other day and i'm going to start adding nutrients as from Saturday when I pick them up. Is there anything wrong about this setup you can find? any advice is welcome I would really love my first time to work, even if it's not the best smoke.




Well-Known Member
im not much on autos but you could fill in the pot with soil right up to the bottom set of leafs, and ya might be over watering just a tad bit. what kind of light ?


Well-Known Member
to early for nuts, soil should have plenty (even if its some kind of light mix ? tho I see no perlite ? and I wonder how the PH is ?)

and water every other day ? don't believe a small plant like that, maybe with low light ? can use that much water in two days ? I suppose you do water untill you see some run off from your good drain holes in to bottom of that pot ?
I agree you need good drainage int he soil....perlite is great, also I use coco coir and vermiculite in my soil which is Pro Mix Prof (peat based)Looks like you need a better light....get a min 400 watt HID, IMO.....cheers and best of luck!!


Cheers for the replies, and yeahhh in fairness I completely forgot about getting perlite - I'll get some Saturday. When do you reckon I should start feeding it nutes?

Also, how far in would you say the plant was? I'm not sure at all because of the delay they had growing at the start.


Well-Known Member
You leave yourself open to rootrot and other subterranean problems without perlite in your soil.
Big problem is there will be little or no oxygen getting to the roots when the soil is saturated. Perlite
holds water and creates little air pockets in the soil. You can water a little bit every day and expect slower
growth thru the entire grow. Or you can transplant. TP gets my vote. Go to WalMart and get a bag of
MiracleGro Potting Mix. MG has a half-dozen types so make sure you get the PM. MG PM has everything
your plant needs up to flowering time. Excellent for us pros and beginners.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what your light schedule Is? Ive Got A few little bagseed PLants growing that Thrived under a month of 24 hour light with only One bulb close (24w 1325lumes And Shes Pretty big. 300mm) I water them once a week atm. (Good test is To Water her like you where trying to Purge any nutes(Basically drown her -make sure u have good drainage) And Rember the weight, When it feels really light then its time to water(first sign would be dry top soil)

Also Looking at your box u may want to Try An Up the Reflection, Do u have any White paint? That Works Well. Also Have a Look at making a can Reflector To Direct your light As They Work Very well.
Alright fellas this is my first grow and it's 3 weeks in since i planted them after germinating them. For the first week and half I had the light too far away which slowed down the growth rate and stretched them.

After some advice from you guys I got it growing properly, i hope. anyway, because of the slow start I'm assuming my timescale for the auto-flower plants is off a bit. How do you think these are doing?

I was told I should cover up the root on the a bit on the cheese. I water them once every other day and i'm going to start adding nutrients as from Saturday when I pick them up. Is there anything wrong about this setup you can find? any advice is welcome I would really love my first time to work, even if it's not the best smoke.

hey your plants look great mine is at 3 weeks from seed, but are small, do you have any adive on what should i do? i have them on two 300 watt lamps and they are on a 18/6 schedule. sjould i change the time? i also have budswell but when i put the budswell in of course i mix it with a gallon of water should i add regular water as well? and i shoulld feed them nutes once a week, correct? sorry so much..
These have been under 4 26 watt daylight cfl and some time under a 400 watt hpsImported Photos 00194.jpgImported Photos 00195.jpgI have been giving them nutes for about 10 days now at 1/4 strength to start, hoping for 2 females as last time ended up with only 1 out of 3