3 weed old seedlings help!!!!


Active Member
Hey guys I'm new to roll it up and to growing I have been reaserching growing for 5 years this is my second attemt my baby seedlings look yellowed all over and the oldest leaves began tho curl down, brown and die away sorry i cant post pics any help would be much appreciated, I just spent 250$ on seeds HELP!!! PLEASE!!!:confused:


Active Member
I have 3, 45 watt cfl's my temp hits 80f with the door closed I was watering everyday i think i could have over watered??


Well-Known Member
sounds like it could be overwatering to me but not positive. stick your finger in the dirt and see if its moist and let it dry up a bit if so. hopefully that'll do it, good luck


Well-Known Member
Pic's For Sure If Poss. You Came To The Right Place, Well Straighten Her Out.
I Gota Go With The Pck. On This Watering? Nutes? Pot Size? Air Flow? Just Some Othier Questions., Db. :)


Active Member
I only gave them one shot of 10-15-10 but i stopped after that as far as pot size i have red dixi cups but the plants are so small i dont think thats it i have one passive intake on the bottom and another passive exaust at the top and one osccolating fan blowing directly on the plants and i cant figure out how to add my pics


Active Member
Are you sure they didn't die a few weeks ago? Three weeks in the seedling stage sounds as if it that is going on here. Also, let it dry up! Stop watering it everyday unless it really needs it.


Well-Known Member
try water only no nutes for a bit i would think they are too young for any nutes yet.


Well-Known Member
I Agree With Gamble, Nute-ing A Baby, Ro Only For A While Then 1/4 Str. Work Her Up, To Full. If She's Wet. Let Her Dry Out A Day+ , Is There Drainage Holes In Her Cup??. Db.:)

oh really???

Well-Known Member
no nutes. . . try to hold back on the water until it NEEDS it. the roots will utilize the water in the pot first. with the nutes you shouldn't need to fert. the babies until they kick into the veg state. so try to get your temp to 75 at the lowest and then at most 81. this is just because your baby is stressed. then re-vamp your ventilation try to get as much needed fresh air/co2 in there. water (when needed) and patience. the plant will return if you don't mess with it too much. hope this helps


Active Member
Well Im thinking that there getting better new growth looks healthy im holding out more on the water and no newts for a while I added more ventalation and the door is open most of the time so temps are 72 ish i hope this works but i have to say that to be able to join a community in need of assistace you guys really came to my rescue quick and they say stoners are slow? well thanks guys I will update soon I love this site


Active Member
:joint:This reminds me of overgrow! I posted with a problem 5 min after joining and i got responses back in no time. I was so pleased we are all so willing to give each other advice:peace::blsmoke: