3 days old, not so sure they're doing ok


One is a little messed up because a seed was stuck on it up until 12 hours ago. Attached are my 3 plants at day 3.

Currently using a 125W CFL 6500K grow light with reflector. I have a 42W CFL coming for more coverage. Both 6500K and 2700K bulbs. Thinking of using 2700K bulb for dual spectrum while in veg.

Trying not to overwater. Waiting till soil an inch down is dry before re-watering. I have a small fan for airflow, not blowing directly on seedlings.

CFL light about 3-4 inches away from seedlings.

Should these be bigger at day 3, or am I still in business? The lemon skunk is biggest. Next, the gigabud, which had some leaf damage due to the seed shell staying on 2 of the leaves. Afghan Kush is the smallest (middle picture).

Ambient temp is 70-80. Doing 18-6 time table. Water is ph neutral. Maybe a tad over on the acid side. No nutes, peat cups, regular non-nuted potting soil. I have some 1 gallon pots to transfer to at about 2 weeks, and some Ocean Forest for when that happens.

Am I doing ok so far? How do my babies look at early day 3? Any suggestions?


Mr Bomb

Active Member
One is a little messed up because a seed was stuck on it up until 12 hours ago. Attached are my 3 plants at day 3.

Currently using a 125W CFL 6500K grow light with reflector. I have a 42W CFL coming for more coverage. Both 6500K and 2700K bulbs. Thinking of using 2700K bulb for dual spectrum while in veg.

Trying not to overwater. Waiting till soil an inch down is dry before re-watering. I have a small fan for airflow, not blowing directly on seedlings.

CFL light about 3-4 inches away from seedlings.

Should these be bigger at day 3, or am I still in business? The lemon skunk is biggest. Next, the gigabud, which had some leaf damage due to the seed shell staying on 2 of the leaves. Afghan Kush is the smallest (middle picture).

Ambient temp is 70-80. Doing 18-6 time table. Water is ph neutral. Maybe a tad over on the acid side. No nutes, peat cups, regular non-nuted potting soil. I have some 1 gallon pots to transfer to at about 2 weeks, and some Ocean Forest for when that happens.

Am I doing ok so far? How do my babies look at early day 3? Any suggestions?
I think your babies are looking how they should for only three days old. You might be over watering a little. You should wait to water until the dirt on top is crusty and the soil is dry about 3-4 inches down.

The lights sound good to me but Im not sure because I use hps. I would try to raise temperature to 75-80F and get the ph to 6.5 because thats ideal. The Ocean Forest is a great soil but I would suggest a bigger pot than the 1 gallon you have. I think a 3 gallon is ideal but 5 is ok also.

Once you get your babies into the Ocean Forest you should start using nutrients especially the Foxfarm Grow Big since it helps to reduce the stress of transplanting. Just start lighter and work your way up to full strength over a week or two.:leaf:


New Member
id say awesome grow dont change a thing they look beautiful! your about to witness the most amazin thing in your life lol gl